

StyleSheetItemMetadata CloneStyleSheetItem(string mon)


mon. Moniker of single style in styles table.


The CloneStyleSheetItem operation creates a style clone in styles table.


To execute the operation, in the mon field specify moniker of opened styles table instance with the !<style number> postfix. The moniker can be obtained on executing the OpenStyleSheet operation.

The operation results in the metadata of created style clone.


Below is the example of creating a style clone in styles table. The request contains style moniker. The response contains information about the created style.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<CloneStyleSheetItem xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<CloneStyleSheetItemResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<h xmlns="">
<name>Style1 (copy 1)</name>
<style UNS="2">
  <Text HA="-1" VA="-1" WW="-1" Mmm="-1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00" />
  <Font F="Arial" S="12" I="true" H="18" />
  <Borders />
  <Hyperlink />
  <ContainerInfo key="3" sheetType="0" />

JSON request:

"CloneStyleSheetItem" :

JSON response:

"CloneStyleSheetItemResult" :
"h" :
"key" : "3",
"tag" : "TAB",
"name" : "Style1 (copy 1)",
"id" : "I3"
"style" :
"@UNS" : "2",
"Text" :
"@VA" : "-1",
"@Mmm" : "-1.00 -1.00 -1.00 -1.00",
"@HA" : "-1",
"@WW" : "-1"
"Font" :
"@S" : "12",
"@F" : "Arial",
"@H" : "18",
"@I" : "true"
"Borders" : "",
"Hyperlink" : "",
"ContainerInfo" :
"@key" : "3",
"@sheetType" : "0"
public static StyleSheetItemMetadata CloneStyleSheetItem(string moniker, ulong styleNumber)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tClone = new CloneStyleSheetItem()
mon = moniker + '!' + styleNumber
// Clone style
var result = somClient.CloneStyleSheetItem(tClone);
return result;

See also:

Working with Styles Table