Specific Operations

This section describes specific operations that cannot be fully assigned to a specific tool of Foresight Analytics Platform. The list includes operations that can be both applied to a specific type of object and to different types of objects. These operations are also used as auxiliary to execute some minor operations.

  Operation Brief description
ForeExec The ForeExec operation executes methods implemented in Fore units.
ForeExecWithState The ForeExecWithState operation executes methods implemented in Fore units with subsequent saving of objects on state server.
GetSearch The GetSearch operation executes BI search in indexed repository objects.
BatchExec The BatchExec operation is used for batch execution of other operations.
SetExp The SetExp operation is used to form terms by the sent information.
GetFormulaEditorInfo The GetFormulaEditorInfo operation is used to get a list of functions that can be used to create expressions in various tools of Foresight Analytics Platform.
GetSharedFunctions The GetSharedFunctions operation gets a list of custom functions that can be used in formulas.
GetTabStaticFormulas The GetTabStaticFormulas operation gets a list of system functions that can be used in formulas.
GetTreeElements The GetTreeElements operation gets repository object metadata tree.
IsFeatureAvailable The IsFeatureAvailable operation checks if any function can be executed in the platform.

See also:

Web Service Operations