

PrxShapeParams GetPrxShape(PrxShapeId shapeMon)


shapeMon. Shape moniker.


The GetPrxShape operation gets metadata of the shape located on a regular report sheet.


To execute the operation, in the shapeMon field specify shape moniker. The moniker can be created based on the regular report moniker according to the rule: Regular report instance moniker!Sheets!sheet key!Objects!shape identifier.

The operation results in the obtained shape settings.


Below is the example of getting settings of the shape located on a regular report sheet. The request contains shape moniker. The response contains the obtained settings.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetPrxShape xmlns="">
<shapeMon xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetPrxShapeResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
  <t xmlns="">4</t>
<bca xmlns="">
  <color r="255" g="255" b="255" />
<bdca xmlns="">
  <color r="0" g="0" b="0" />
  <bw xmlns="">0.25</bw>
  <bp xmlns="">0</bp>
  <lec xmlns="">0</lec>
  <lbc xmlns="">0</lbc>
  <ww xmlns="">1</ww>
  <txt xmlns="" />
  <fs xmlns="" F="Arial" S="10" C="#000000FF" I="0" B="0" U="0" SO="0" />
  <va xmlns="">1</va>
  <ha xmlns="">1</ha>
  <ofs xmlns="" left="0" top="0" right="0" bottom="0" />

JSON request:

"GetPrxShape" :
"shapeMon" :

JSON response:

"GetPrxShapeResult" :
"t" : "4",
"bca" :
"it" :
"color" :
"@r" : "255",
"@b" : "255",
"@g" : "255"
"bdca" :
"it" :
"color" :
"@r" : "0",
"@b" : "0",
"@g" : "0"
"bw" : "0.25",
"bp" : "0",
"lec" : "0",
"lbc" : "0",
"ww" : "1",
"txt" : "",
"fs" :
"@B" : "0",
"@SO" : "0",
"@S" : "10",
"@C" : "#000000FF",
"@U" : "0",
"@F" : "Arial",
"@I" : "0"
"va" : "1",
"ha" : "1",
"ofs" :
"@top" : "0",
"@bottom" : "0",
"@left" : "0",
"@right" : "0"
public static PrxShapeParams GetPrxShape(string moniker, uint sheetKey, string shapeId)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetPrxShape()
shapeMon = new PrxShapeId()
id = moniker + "!Sheets!" + sheetKey + "!Objects!" + shapeId
// Get shape settings
var result = somClient.GetPrxShape(tGet);
return result;

See also:

Working with Regular Reports