Deleting Variable from Equation

Below is the example of using the SetMs operation to delete a variable from the equation. The request contains an instance of opened modeling container, parameters of operation execution, and index of the variable to be deleted. After execution the operation returns the the changed equation.

SOAP request:

- <s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
- <s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
- <SetMs xmlns="">
- <tMs xmlns="">
- <tArg xmlns="">
- <pattern>
  <meta />
- <metaGet>
- <item>
- <problem>
- <metamodel>
- <calcChainPattern>
- <modelPattern>
- <execParams>
- <modelsFactors>
- <its>
- <Item>

SOAP response:

- <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
- <soapenv:Body>
- <SetMsResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
- <id xmlns="">
- <meta xmlns="">
- <obInst>
- <obDesc isShortcut="0">
  <n>Modeling container</n>
- <item>
- <problemMd>
- <metamodel>
- <calculationChain>
- <its>
- <Item>
  <n>Output Varable[t] = A1*Var[t]</n>
- <model>
  <generatedName>Modelling Varable[t] = A1*Var[t]</generatedName>
  <visualController />

JSON request:

     "SetMs" : 
       "tMs" : 
         "id" : "S119!M!S!C1"
       "tArg" : 
         "pattern" : 
           "obInst" : "true"
         "meta" : "",
         "metaGet" : 
           "obInst" : "true",
           "item" : 
             "key" : "4411",
             "problem" : 
               "metamodel" : 
                 "calculationChain" : "Get",
                 "tag" : "false",
                 "calcChainPattern" : 
                   "modelPattern" : 
                     "generatedName" : "true"
         "execParams" : 
           "modelsFactors" : 
             "its" : 
               "Item" : 
                 "modelKey" : "4996",
                 "factorIndex" : "1"
           "execSaveMetaModel" : "true",
           "execSaveProblem" : "true",
           "execRemoveFactor" : "true"

JSON response:

     "SetMsResult" : 
      {        "id" :         {          "id" : "S119!M!S!C1"         },        "meta" :         {          "obInst" :           {            "obDesc" :
"@isShortcut" : "0",
"n" : "Modeling container",
"k" : "1581",
"c" : "5121",
"p" : "1580",
"h" : "0"
         "dirty" : "0",
         "item" : 
           "k" : "4411",
           "id" : "MODEL_DEL",
           "n" : "model_del",
           "vis" : "1",
           "type" : "Problem",
           "problemMd" : 
             "metamodel" : 
               "k" : "4412",
               "calculationChain" : 
                 "its" : 
                   "Item" : 
                     "k" : "4996",
"id" : "OBJ4996",
"n" : "Varable[t] = A1*Varable[t] + A2*Time series database!d12[t]",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "Model",
"excluded" : "0",
"model" : 
"generatedName" : "Varable[t] = A1*Varable[t]"
               "visualController" : ""
public static MsItem SetMsRemoveFactor(MsId ms, ulong modelKey, ulong eqKey)
    var setMsOp = new SetMs();
    setMsOp.tMs = ms;
    setMsOp.tArg = new SetMsArg()
    {  // Set data change pattern
        pattern = new MsMdPattern() { },
        meta = new MsMd() { },
        // Set data getting pattern
        metaGet = new MsMdPattern()
            item = new MsItemPattern()
                key = modelKey,
                problem = new MsProblemPattern()
                    metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern()
                        tag = false,
                        calculationChain = ListOperation.Get,
                        calcChainPattern = new MsCalculationChainPattern()
                            modelPattern = new MsModelPattern() { generatedName = true }
        },// Set operation execution parameters
        execParams = new MsMdExecParams()
            execSaveProblem = true
            execSaveMetaModel = true,
            execRemoveFactor = true,
            modelsFactors = new MsModelsFactors() 
                its = new MsModelFactor[]
                    new MsModelFactor()
                    {   // Set equation key
                        modelKey = eqKey,
                        // Set variable index
                        factorIndex = 1
    }; // Create a proxy object for operation execution
    var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient();
    // Execute operation
    var result = somClient.SetMs(setMsOp);
    return result.meta.item;

See also:

SetMs: Operation