Setting Up Parameters of the ARIMA Method

Below is the example of using the SetMs operation to edit equation parameters. The request contains an instance of opened modeling container, parameters of operation execution, equation settings for theARIMA method, and the pattern for getting changed data. After execution the operation returns the model that contains the changed equation.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<SetMs xmlns="">
<tMs xmlns="">
<tArg xmlns="">
  <method />
  <method />

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<SetMsResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<id xmlns="">
<meta xmlns="">
<obDesc isShortcut="0" isLink="0" fullUrl="" ver="3" hf="0">
  <n>Modeling container</n>
<it isFolder="0">
<scenDesc isShortcut="0" isLink="0" fullUrl="" ver="0" hf="0">
<it isFolder="0">
  <n>Base (copy1)</n>
<scenDesc isShortcut="0" isLink="0" fullUrl="" ver="0" hf="0">
  <n>Base (copy1)</n>
  <n>MyOutputVavable|A[t] = A0, (From parent)-(From parent)</n>
  <graphMeta />
  <parameterID />
  <attributeId />
  <parameterID />
  <attributeId />
  <specifiedVector />
  <estimate />
  <standardError />
  <tStatistic />
  <probability />
  <estimate />
  <standardError />
  <tStatistic />
  <probability />
  <estimate />
  <standardError />
  <tStatistic />
  <probability />
  <estimate />
  <standardError />
  <tStatistic />
  <probability />
  <lag />
  <its />
  <warnings />
  <its />
  <userRPath />
  <its />
  <identificationStartDateParamID />
  <identificationEndDateParamID />
  <forecastStartDateParamID />
  <forecastEndDateParamID />

JSON request:

 "SetMs" : 
   "tMs" : 
   "tArg" : 
     "pattern" : 
       "obInst" : "true",
       "item" : 
         "key" : "89669",
         "problem" : 
           "metamodel" : 
             "calculationChain" : "Change"
     "meta" : 
       "item" : 
         "k" : "89669",
         "type" : "Problem",
         "problemMd" : 
           "metamodel" : 
             "calculationChain" : 
               "its" : 
                 "Item" : 
                   "k" : "3",
                   "type" : "Model",
                   "model" : 
                     "transform" : 
                       "formulas" : 
                         "its" : 
                           "it" : 
                               "k" : "0",
                               "kind" : "Arima",
                               "method" : 
                                 "arima" : 
                                   "maxIteration" : "600",
                                   "constantMode" : "ManualEstimate",
                                   "constantValue" : "5.7",
                                   "missingData" : 
                                     "method" : "SpecifiedValue",
                                     "specifiedValue" : "4.7"
                                   "confidenceLevel" : "0.96",
                                   "ARMA" : 
                                     "parseAR" : 
                                       "value" : "1-3",
                                       "assignOrder" : "true"
                                     "parseMA" : 
                                       "value" : "1-3",
                                       "assignOrder" : "true"
                                     "parseARSeas" : 
                                       "value" : "1,4",
                                       "assignOrder" : "true"
                                     "parseMASeas" : 
                                       "value" : "1,3",
                                       "assignOrder" : "true"
                                     "initAR" : 
                                       "d" : "0.0025"
                                     "initMA" : 
                                       "d" : "0.0025"
                                     "initIntercept" : "3",
                                     "estimationMethod" : "GaussNewton",
                                     "diff" : "2",
                                     "diffSeas" : "0",
                                     "initARSeas" : 
                                       "d" : "0.003"
                                     "initMASeas" : 
                                       "d" : "0.0015"
                                     "periodSeas" : "4",
                                     "useAnalyticDeriv" : "true",
                                     "useBackCast" : "false"
                                 "name" : "ARIMA",
                                 "inversionInfo" : 
                                   "type" : "PCH",
                                   "lag" : "PrecidingValue",
                                   "previousLag" : "2"
     "metaGet" : 
       "obInst" : "true",
       "scenarios" : "Get",
       "period" : "true",
       "item" : 
         "key" : "89669",
         "problem" : 
           "metamodel" : 
             "calculationChain" : "Get",
             "mmParams" : "Get",
             "tag" : "true",
             "calcChainPattern" : 
               "modelPattern" : 
                 "transform" : 
                   "inputs" : "Get",
                   "outputs" : "Get",
                   "formulaCount" : "true",
                   "formulas" : 
                     "method" : ""
                   "equationsFormula" : 
                     "method" : ""
                   "series" : "Get",
                   "kind" : "true",
                   "transformVariable" : 
                     "slices" : "Get",
                     "transformSlice" : 
                       "selection" : "Get"
             "visualControllerPattern" : 
               "variableRubricatorKey" : "true",
               "useSourceName" : "false",
               "levelFormat" : "Short"
           "scenarios" : "Get",
           "details" : "true",
           "useSavedCoefficients" : "false"

JSON response:

 "SetMsResult" : 
   "id" : 
   "meta" : 
     "obInst" : 
       "obDesc" : 
         "@fullUrl" : "http:\/\/\/",
         "@isShortcut" : "0",
         "@isLink" : "0",
         "@ver" : "3",
         "@hf" : "0",
         "i" : "MODELSPACE",
         "n" : "Modeling container",
         "k" : "1581",
         "c" : "5121",
         "p" : "1580",
         "h" : "0",
         "hasPrv" : "0",
         "ic" : "0",
         "isPermanent" : "1",
         "isTemp" : "0"
     "dirty" : "0",
     "period" : 
       "start" : "1990-01-01",
       "end" : "2020-12-31"
     "scenarios" : 
       "nodes" : 
         "it" : 
             "@isFolder" : "0",
             "k" : "1628",
             "id" : "OBJ1628",
             "n" : "Basic",
             "vis" : "1",
             "scenDesc" : 
               "@fullUrl" : "http:\/\/\/",
               "@isShortcut" : "0",
               "@isLink" : "0",
               "@ver" : "0",
               "@hf" : "0",
               "i" : "OBJ1628",
               "n" : "Basic",
               "k" : "1628",
               "c" : "5124",
               "p" : "1627",
               "h" : "0",
               "hasPrv" : "0",
               "ic" : "0"
             "internalKey" : "1629"
             "@isFolder" : "0",
             "k" : "5371",
             "id" : "OBJ5371",
             "n" : "Basic (copy1)",
             "vis" : "1",
             "scenDesc" : 
               "@fullUrl" : "http:\/\/\/",
               "@isShortcut" : "0",
               "@isLink" : "0",
               "@ver" : "0",
               "@hf" : "0",
               "i" : "OBJ5371",
               "n" : "Basic (copy1)",
               "k" : "5371",
               "c" : "5124",
               "p" : "1627",
               "h" : "0",
               "hasPrv" : "0",
               "ic" : "0"
             "internalKey" : "5372"
     "item" : 
       "k" : "89669",
       "id" : "MODEL_NEW",
       "n" : "MODEL_NEW",
       "vis" : "1",
       "type" : "Problem",
       "problemMd" : 
         "metamodel" : 
           "k" : "89670",
           "calculationChain" : 
             "its" : 
               "Item" : 
                   "k" : "1",
                   "n" : "MyInputVavable",
                   "vis" : "1",
                   "type" : "Variable",
                   "excluded" : "0",
                   "graphMeta" : "{"Geometry":{"x":20,"y":10,"width":150,"height":50}}",
                   "chainVariable" : 
                     "slice" : 
                       "k" : "0",
                       "id" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                       "n" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                       "vis" : "1",
                       "variableKey" : "1",
                       "stubKey" : "89671",
                       "selections" : 
                         "its" : 
                           "Item" : 
                             "id" : 
                               "id" : "89683"
                             "variant" : "1"
                       "aggregator" : "None",
                       "parametrizedDimensions" : 
                         "its" : 
                           "Item" : 
                             "dimension" : "0",
                             "parameter" : "0"
                       "unitInfo" : 
                         "unit" : "4294967295",
                         "measure" : "4294967295",
                         "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                         "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                       "level" : "Year"
                     "fullName" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                     "originalName" : "MyInputVavable",
                     "originalShortName" : "MyInputVavable",
                     "useCustomName" : "0"
                   "k" : "2",
                   "n" : "MyOutputVavable",
                   "vis" : "1",
                   "type" : "Variable",
                   "excluded" : "0",
                   "graphMeta" : "{"Geometry":{"x":30,"y":140,"width":150,"height":50}}",
                   "chainVariable" : 
                     "slice" : 
                       "k" : "0",
                       "id" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                       "n" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                       "vis" : "1",
                       "variableKey" : "2",
                       "stubKey" : "89671",
                       "selections" : 
                         "its" : 
                           "Item" : 
                             "id" : 
                               "id" : "89683"
                             "variant" : "2"
                       "aggregator" : "None",
                       "parametrizedDimensions" : 
                         "its" : 
                           "Item" : 
                             "dimension" : "0",
                             "parameter" : "0"
                       "unitInfo" : 
                         "unit" : "4294967295",
                         "measure" : "4294967295",
                         "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                         "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                       "level" : "Year"
                     "fullName" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                     "originalName" : "MyOutputVavable",
                     "originalShortName" : "MyOutputVavable",
                     "useCustomName" : "0"
                   "k" : "3",
                   "id" : "OBJ3",
                   "n" : "MyOutputVavable|A[t] = A0, (From parent)-(From parent)",
                   "vis" : "1",
                   "type" : "Model",
                   "excluded" : "0",
                   "graphMeta" : "",
                   "model" : 
                     "transform" : 
                       "inputs" : 
                         "its" : 
                           "Item" : 
                             "k" : "2",
                             "id" : "VARIABLES_89670",
                             "n" : "Variables",
                             "vis" : "1",
                             "slices" : 
                               "its" : 
                                 "Item" : 
                                   "k" : "0",
                                   "id" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                                   "n" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                                   "vis" : "1",
                                   "variableKey" : "2",
                                   "stubKey" : "89671",
                                   "selections" : 
                                     "its" : 
                                       "Item" : 
                                         "id" : 
                                           "id" : "89683"
                                         "variant" : "1"
                                   "aggregator" : "None",
                                   "parametrizedDimensions" : 
                                     "its" : 
                                       "Item" : 
                                         "dimension" : "0",
                                         "parameter" : "0"
                                   "unitInfo" : 
                                     "unit" : "4294967295",
                                     "measure" : "4294967295",
                                     "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                                     "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                                   "level" : "Year"
                             "variableStubKey" : "89671",
                             "parameterID" : "",
                             "kind" : "Stub",
                             "attributeId" : "",
                             "attributeType" : "Series"
                       "outputs" : 
                         "its" : 
                           "Item" : 
                             "k" : "1",
                             "id" : "VARIABLES_89670",
                             "n" : "Variables",
                             "vis" : "1",
                             "slices" : 
                               "its" : 
                                 "Item" : 
                                   "k" : "0",
                                   "id" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                                   "n" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                                   "vis" : "1",
                                   "variableKey" : "1",
                                   "stubKey" : "89671",
                                   "selections" : 
                                     "its" : 
                                       "Item" : 
                                         "id" : 
                                           "id" : "89683"
                                         "variant" : "2"
                                   "aggregator" : "None",
                                   "parametrizedDimensions" : 
                                     "its" : 
                                       "Item" : 
                                         "dimension" : "0",
                                         "parameter" : "0"
                                   "unitInfo" : 
                                     "unit" : "4294967295",
                                     "measure" : "4294967295",
                                     "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                                     "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                                   "level" : "Year"
                             "variableStubKey" : "89671",
                             "parameterID" : "",
                             "kind" : "Stub",
                             "attributeId" : "",
                             "attributeType" : "Series"
                       "formulaCount" : "1",
                       "formulas" : 
                         "its" : 
                           "it" : 
                               "k" : "0",
                               "kind" : "Arima",
                               "method" : 
                                 "arima" : 
                                   "maxIteration" : "600",
                                   "constantMode" : "ManualEstimate",
                                   "constantValue" : "5.7",
                                   "missingData" : 
                                     "specifiedVector" : "",
                                     "method" : "SpecifiedValue",
                                     "methodParameter" : "5",
                                     "specifiedValue" : "4.7",
                                     "specifiedTerm" : 
                                       "k" : "4294967295"
                                   "confidenceLevel" : "0.96",
                                   "ARMA" : 
                                     "orderAR" : 
                                       "l" : 
                                     "orderMA" : 
                                       "l" : 
                                     "calcInitMode" : "Auto",
                                     "initAR" : 
                                       "d" : "0.0025"
                                     "initMA" : 
                                       "d" : "0.0025"
                                     "initIntercept" : "3",
                                     "estimationMethod" : "GaussNewton",
                                     "tolerance" : "0.0001",
                                     "maxIteration" : "600",
                                     "coefficientsAR" : 
                                       "estimate" : "",
                                       "standardError" : "",
                                       "tStatistic" : "",
                                       "probability" : ""
                                     "coefficientsMA" : 
                                       "estimate" : "",
                                       "standardError" : "",
                                       "tStatistic" : "",
                                       "probability" : ""
                                     "diff" : "2",
                                     "diffSeas" : "0",
                                     "orderARSeas" : 
                                       "l" : 
                                     "orderMASeas" : 
                                       "l" : 
                                     "initARSeas" : 
                                       "d" : "0.003"
                                     "initMASeas" : 
                                       "d" : "0.0015"
                                     "periodSeas" : "4",
                                     "coefficientsARSeas" : 
                                       "estimate" : "",
                                       "standardError" : "",
                                       "tStatistic" : "",
                                       "probability" : ""
                                     "coefficientsMASeas" : 
                                       "estimate" : "",
                                       "standardError" : "",
                                       "tStatistic" : "",
                                       "probability" : ""
                                     "useARMAasInstrums" : "1",
                                     "useAnalyticDeriv" : "1",
                                     "useBackCast" : "0"
                                   "explained" : 
                                     "slice" : 
                                       "k" : "0",
                                       "id" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                                       "n" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                                       "vis" : "1",
                                       "variableKey" : "1",
                                       "stubKey" : "89671",
                                       "selections" : 
                                         "its" : 
                                           "Item" : 
                                             "id" : 
                                               "id" : "89683"
                                             "variant" : "2"
                                       "aggregator" : "None",
                                       "parametrizedDimensions" : 
                                         "its" : 
                                           "Item" : 
                                             "dimension" : "0",
                                             "parameter" : "0"
                                       "unitInfo" : 
                                         "unit" : "4294967295",
                                         "measure" : "4294967295",
                                         "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                                         "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                                       "level" : "Year"
                                     "lag" : "",
                                     "key" : "0",
                                     "termToText" : "{MyOutputVavable|A[t]}",
                                     "termToInnerText" : "@_1:0[]",
                                     "termInfo" : 
                                       "k" : "4294967295",
                                       "lag" : "0",
                                       "inversion" : 
                                         "type" : "None",
                                         "lag" : "PrecidingValue",
                                         "previousLag" : "-1",
                                         "seasonality" : "None",
                                         "dependence" : "Linear",
                                         "K" : "3"
                                       "slice" : 
                                         "k" : "0",
                                         "id" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                                         "n" : "MyOutputVavable|A",
                                         "vis" : "1",
                                         "variableKey" : "1",
                                         "stubKey" : "89671",
                                         "selections" : 
                                           "its" : 
                                             "Item" : 
                                               "id" : 
                                                 "id" : "89683"
                                               "variant" : "2"
                                         "aggregator" : "None",
                                         "parametrizedDimensions" : 
                                           "its" : 
                                             "Item" : 
                                               "dimension" : "0",
                                               "parameter" : "0"
                                         "unitInfo" : 
                                           "unit" : "4294967295",
                                           "measure" : "4294967295",
                                           "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                                           "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                                         "level" : "Year"
                                       "date" : "1899-12-30"
                                     "unitInfo" : 
                                       "unit" : "4294967295",
                                       "measure" : "4294967295",
                                       "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                                       "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                                     "included" : "0"
                                 "inversionInfo" : 
                                   "type" : "PCH",
                                   "lag" : "PrecidingValue",
                                   "previousLag" : "2",
                                   "seasonality" : "None",
                                   "dependence" : "Linear",
                                   "K" : "3"
                                 "doUseR" : "0",
                                 "supportsR" : "1"
                               "calendarLevel" : "Year",
                               "outputSliceKey" : "0"
                       "series" : 
                         "its" : ""
                       "kind" : "Simple"
                     "warnings" : "",
                     "readOnly" : "0"
           "mmParams" : 
             "its" : ""
           "visualController" : 
             "variableRubricatorKey" : "89671",
             "userRPath" : "",
             "isRExist" : "0"
           "suppressEmptyFilter" : 
             "suppressEmpty" : "0",
             "suppressEmptyArea" : "SerieBounds"
           "readOnly" : "0",
           "variableTestUseR" : "0",
           "calculateIdentOnFact" : "0"
         "scenarios" : 
           "its" : ""
         "details" : 
           "period" : 
             "identificationStartDate" : "1990-01-01",
             "identificationEndDate" : "2018-04-24",
             "forecastStartDate" : "2018-04-25",
             "forecastEndDate" : "2020-01-01",
             "identificationStartDateParamID" : "",
             "identificationEndDateParamID" : "",
             "forecastStartDateParamID" : "",
             "forecastEndDateParamID" : "",
             "autoPeriod" : "0",
             "identificationStartOffset" : "0",
             "identificationEndOffset" : "0",
             "forecastEndOffset" : "0",
             "isIdentStartCorrect" : "1",
             "isIdentEndCorrect" : "1",
             "isForecastEndCorrect" : "1"
           "currentPoint" : "2018-04-25"
         "useScenarios" : "0",
         "readOnly" : "0"
public static MsItem SetMsARIMA(MsId ms, ulong modelKey, ulong eqKey)
    var setMsOp = new SetMs();
    // Set operation execution parameters
    setMsOp.tMs = ms;
    setMsOp.tArg = new SetMsArg()
    {  // Set data change pattern
        pattern = new MsMdPattern()
            item = new MsItemPattern()
            {  // Specify equation key
                key = modelKey,
                problem = new MsProblemPattern()
                    metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern()
                        calculationChain = ListOperation.Change
        // Set data that must be changed
        meta = new MsMd()
            item = new MsItem()
            {  // Specify equation key
                k = modelKey,
                type = MsItemType.Problem,
                problemMd = new MsProblem()
                    metamodel = new MsMetaModel()
                        calculationChain = new MsCalculationChainEntries()
                            its = new MsCalculationChainEntry[]
                               new  MsCalculationChainEntry()
                                   k = eqKey,
                                   type = MsCalculationChainType.Model,
                                   model = new MsModel()
                                        transform = new MsFormulaTransform()
                                            formulas = new TsFormulas()
                                                its = new TsFormula[]
                                                    new TsFormula()
                                                        kind = TsFormulaKind.Arima,
                                                        method = new TsMethod()
                                                        {   // Set parameters of the ARIMA method                                     
                                                            arima = new TsArimaMethod()
                                                            {  // Set confidence limits relevance
                                                                confidenceLevel = 0.96,
                                                                // Set constant
                                                                constantMode = StatInterceptMode.ManualEstimate,
                                                                constantValue = 5.7,
                                                                // Set maximum number of iterations
                                                                maxIteration = 600,
                                                                // Set missing data treatment method
                                                                missingData = new StatMissingData()
                                                                    method = StatMissingDataMethod.SpecifiedValue,
                                                                    specifiedValue = 4.7
                                                                // Set autoregression and moving average parameters
                                                                ARMA = new SlARMA()
                                                                {  // Set autoregression order
                                                                    parseAR = new SlParseStr()
                                                                        value = &quot;1-3&quot;,
                                                                        assignOrder = true,
                                                                    }, // Set seasonal autoregression order
                                                                    parseARSeas = new SlParseStr()
                                                                        value = &quot;1,4&quot;,
                                                                        assignOrder = true
                                                                    }, // Set moving average order
                                                                    parseMA = new SlParseStr()
                                                                        value = &quot;1-3&quot;,
                                                                        assignOrder = true,
                                                                    }, // Set seasonal moving average order
                                                                    parseMASeas = new SlParseStr()
                                                                        value = &quot;1,3&quot;,
                                                                        assignOrder = true
                                                                    // Set difference and seasonal difference
                                                                    diff = 2,
                                                                    diffSeas = 0,
                                                                    // Set seasonal period value
                                                                    periodSeas = 4,
                                                                    // Set initial approximations and other parameters
                                                                    initAR = new double[] {0.0025},
                                                                    initARSeas = new double[] {0.0030},
                                                                    initMA= new double[] {0.0025},
                                                                    initMASeas = new double[] {0.0015},
                                                                    initIntercept = 3,
                                                                    // Set coefficient estimation parameters
                                                                    useBackCast = false,
                                                                    useAnalyticDeriv = true,
                                                                    estimationMethod = ARMAEstimationMethodType.GaussNewton
                                                            }, // Set output variable transformation
                                                            inversionInfo = new TsInversion()
                                                                type = TsInversionType.PCH,
                                                                previousLag = 2,
                                                                lag = TsInversionLag.PrecidingValue
                                                            name = &quot;ARIMA&quot;
        }, // Set changed data getting pattern
        metaGet = new MsMdPattern()
            period = true,
            scenarios = ListOperation.Get,
            item = new MsItemPattern()
                key = modelKey,
                problem = new MsProblemPattern()
                    useSavedCoefficients = false,
                    scenarios = ListOperation.Get,
                    details = true,
                    metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern()
                        calculationChain = ListOperation.Get,                        
                        tag = true,
                        mmParams = ListOperation.Get,
                        calcChainPattern = new MsCalculationChainPattern()
                            modelPattern = new MsModelPattern()
                                transform = new MsFormulaTransformPattern()
                                    inputs = ListOperation.Get,
                                    outputs = ListOperation.Get,
                                    kind = true,
                                    formulaCount = true,
                                    formulas = new TsFormulaPattern()
                                        method = new TsMethodPattern() { }
                                    equationsFormula = new TsFormulaPattern()
                                        method = new TsMethodPattern() { }
                                    series = ListOperation.Get,                                    
                                    transformVariable = new MsFormulaTransformVariablePattern()
                                        slices = ListOperation.Get,
                                        transformSlice = new MsFormulaTransformSlicePattern()
                                            selection = ListOperation.Get
                        visualControllerPattern = new MsMetaModelVisualControllerPattern()
                            variableRubricatorKey = true,
                            levelFormat = MsLevelFormat.Short,
                            useSourceName = false
    // Create a proxy object for operation execution
    var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient();
    // Set operation execution parameters
    var result = somClient.SetMs(setMsOp);     
    return result.meta.item;

See also:

SetMs: Operation