

OpenMsResult OpenMs(OdId tOb, OpenMsArg tArg)


tOb. Modeling object moniker.

tArg. Parameters of opening the modeling container.


The OpenMs operation opens a modeling container and returns context for working with container objects.


To open a modeling container, in the tOb field specify moniker of the repository object that is a modeling container, or moniker of one of the container child objects: model, metamodel or task. The moniker can be obtained on executing the GetObjects operation.

If the OpenMs operation is used to create a modeling container, the tOb parameter must contain moniker of the current repository connection.

The tArg field may contain:

IMPORTANT. If the tArg.args.onlyProblem field is set to True in opening parameters, the tOb field can have only moniker of the modeling problem.

If the modeling container is opened for view, and the user does not need metadata, the OpenMsArg empty structure is passed in the tArg field.

After executing the OpenMs operation returns moniker of opened modeling container instance and the metadata, if a pattern was defined in the tArg.metaGet field. Use the GetMs and SetMs operations to further work with the opened modeling container and its child objects. To close the opened container instance, use the CloseMs operation.


Various methods of using the operation are given in the following examples:

Example name
Creating a Modeling Container
Opening Modeling Container
Opening Modeling Container for Edit
Opening Modeling Container and Getting Scenario Data

See also:

Working with Modeling Container