Creating a Variable

Below is the example of using the GetMs operation to create a modeling variable. The request contains an instance of opened modeling container, a pattern for creating a variable and parameters of operation execution. The response contains an instance of the created variable.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetMs xmlns="">
<tMs xmlns="">
<tArg xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetMsResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<id xmlns="">
<meta xmlns="">
<obDesc isShortcut="0" isLink="0" fullUrl="" ver="1" hf="0">
  <n>Modeling container</n>
  <graphMeta />
  <graphMeta />
  <userRPath />

JSON request:

 "GetMs" : 
   "tMs" : 
   "tArg" : 
     "pattern" : 
       "obInst" : "true",
       "item" : 
         "key" : "89669",
         "problem" : 
           "metamodel" : 
             "calculationChain" : "Get"
     "execParams" : 
       "k" : "0",
       "execCreateVariable" : 
         "name" : "MyInputVavable",
         "level" : "Year"

JSON response:

 "GetMsResult" : 
   "id" : 
   "meta" : 
     "obInst" : 
       "obDesc" : 
         "@fullUrl" : "http:\/\/\/",
         "@isShortcut" : "0",
         "@isLink" : "0",
         "@ver" : "1",
         "@hf" : "0",
         "i" : "MODELSPACE",
         "n" : "Modeling container",
         "k" : "1581",
         "c" : "5121",
         "p" : "1580",
         "h" : "0",
         "hasPrv" : "0",
         "ic" : "0",
         "isPermanent" : "1",
         "isTemp" : "0"
     "dirty" : "0",
     "item" : 
       "k" : "89669",
       "id" : "MODEL_NEW",
       "n" : "MODEL_NEW",
       "vis" : "1",
       "type" : "Problem",
       "problemMd" : 
         "metamodel" : 
           "k" : "89670",
           "calculationChain" : 
             "its" : 
               "Item" : 
                 "k" : "1",
                 "n" : "MyInputVavable",
                 "vis" : "1",
                 "type" : "Variable",
                 "excluded" : "0",
                 "graphMeta" : "",
                 "chainVariable" : 
                   "slice" : 
                     "k" : "0",
                     "id" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                     "n" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                     "vis" : "1",
                     "variableKey" : "1",
                     "stubKey" : "89671",
                     "selections" : 
                       "its" : 
                         "Item" : 
                           "id" : 
                             "id" : "89683"
                           "variant" : "1"
                     "aggregator" : "None",
                     "parametrizedDimensions" : 
                       "its" : 
                         "Item" : 
                           "dimension" : "0",
                           "parameter" : "0"
                     "unitInfo" : 
                       "unit" : "4294967295",
                       "measure" : "4294967295",
                       "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                       "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                     "level" : "Year"
                   "fullName" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                   "originalName" : "MyInputVavable",
                   "originalShortName" : "MyInputVavable",
                   "useCustomName" : "0"
           "visualController" : 
             "chainEntry" : 
               "k" : "1",
               "n" : "MyInputVavable",
               "vis" : "1",
               "type" : "Variable",
               "excluded" : "0",
               "graphMeta" : "",
               "chainVariable" : 
                 "slice" : 
                   "k" : "0",
                   "id" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                   "n" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                   "vis" : "1",
                   "variableKey" : "1",
                   "stubKey" : "89671",
                   "selections" : 
                     "its" : 
                       "Item" : 
                         "id" : 
                           "id" : "89683"
                         "variant" : "1"
                   "aggregator" : "None",
                   "parametrizedDimensions" : 
                     "its" : 
                       "Item" : 
                         "dimension" : "0",
                         "parameter" : "0"
                   "unitInfo" : 
                     "unit" : "4294967295",
                     "measure" : "4294967295",
                     "baseUnit" : "4294967295",
                     "unitsDimensionKey" : "0"
                   "level" : "Year"
                 "fullName" : "MyInputVavable|A",
                 "originalName" : "MyInputVavable",
                 "originalShortName" : "MyInputVavable",
                 "useCustomName" : "0",
                 "variableExists" : "0"
             "userRPath" : "",
             "isRExist" : "0"
           "suppressEmptyFilter" : 
             "suppressEmpty" : "0",
             "suppressEmptyArea" : "SerieBounds"
           "readOnly" : "0",
           "variableTestUseR" : "0",
           "calculateIdentOnFact" : "0"
         "useScenarios" : "0",
         "readOnly" : "0"
public static MsFormulaTransformSlice GetMsNewVarable(MsId ms, uint modelKey, string varName)
// Set operation execution parameters
var getMsOp = new GetMs()
tArg = new GetMsArg()
execParams = new MsMdExecParams()
execCreateVariable = new MsMdExecCreateVariable()
level = DimCalendarLvl.Year,
name = varName
k = 0
pattern = new MsMdPattern()
item = new MsItemPattern()
{ // Set key of model containing variable
key = modelKey,
problem = new MsProblemPattern()
metamodel = new MsMetaModelPattern()
visualControllerPattern = new MsMetaModelVisualControllerPattern()
levelFormat = MsLevelFormat.Short,
useSourceName = false,
variableRubricatorKey = true
tMs = ms
// Create a proxy object for operation execution
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient();
var result = somClient.GetMs(getMsOp);
var newVarable = result.meta.item;
var visualController = newVarable.problemMd.metamodel.visualController;
var varSlice = visualController.chainEntry.chainVariable.slice;
return varSlice;

See also:

GetMs: Operation