

DimSelectionSchemaResult GetDimSelectionSchema(OdId tOb, GetDimSelectionSchemaArgs tArg)


tOb. Opened selection schema instance moniker.

tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The GetDimSelectionSchema operation gets selection schema metadata.


The operation gets selection schema description and information about selection schema primitives.

To execute the operation, in the tOb field specify moniker of opened selection schema instance, and in the tArg field specify operation execution parameters. The moniker can be obtained on executing the OpenDimSelectionSchema operation.

The operation results in the requested information.


Below is the example of getting information about selection schema primitives. The request contains moniker of opened selection schema instance and the pattern that determines which metadata should be obtained. The response contains the obtained information.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetDimSelectionSchema xmlns="">
<tOb xmlns="">
<tArg xmlns="">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetDimSelectionSchemaResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<id xmlns="">
<meta xmlns="">

JSON request:

"GetDimSelectionSchema" :
"tOb" :
"id" : "S1!M!S!DSS1"
"tArg" :
"pattern" :
"obInst" : "true",
"primitives" : "Get"

JSON response:

"GetDimSelectionSchemaResult" :
"id" :
"id" : "S1!M!S!DSS1"
"meta" :
"primitives" :
"its" :
"it" :
"selectionType" : "Specified",
"deselect" : "0",
"selectedElems" :
"it" :
"selId" :
"id" : "S1!M!S!DSS2"
public static DimSelectionSchemaResult GetPrimitives(string moniker)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); //Proxy object for operation execution
//Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetDimSelectionSchema()
tOb = new OdId() { id = moniker },
tArg = new GetDimSelectionSchemaArgs()
pattern = new DimSelectionSchemaMdPattern()
primitives = ListOperation.Get
//Get list of selection schema primitives
var result = somClient.GetDimSelectionSchema(tGet);
return result;

See also:

Working with Dictionaries