Working with Indicators Calculation Algorithms

This section contains description of the operations that are used to work with the Calculation Algorithm repository object, and also with the blocks, on which the algorithm is based: calculation blocks, function blocks, control blocks. Operations enable getting information about metadata and changing it, starting calculation algorithm calculation.


  Operation Brief description
ApplySelControl The ApplySelControl operation controls dependent dimensions selection.
CalcAlg The CalcAlg operation calculates indicators calculation algorithm.
CloseAlg The CloseAlg operation closes indicators calculation algorithm instance.
DebugAlg The DebugAlg operation starts algorithm calculation in debugging mode.
GetAlg The GetAlg opearation gets indicators calculation algorithm metadata or its block metadata.
OpenAlg The OpenAlg operation opens indicators calculation algorithm.
OpenAlgDest The OpenAlgDest operation opens calculation block of control block consumer in regular report.
SaveAlg The SaveAlg operation saves indicators calculation algorithm instance.
SetAlg The SetAlg operation changes indicators calculation algorithm metadata or its blocks metadata.

See also:

Web Service Operations