

GetSystemInfoResult GetSystemInfo(GetSystemInfoArg tArg)


tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The GetSystemInfo operation gets information about BI server.


This operation enables the user to get the following information:

To execute the operation, in the tArg.metabase field specify the repository connection moniker, access to which must be checked. If access is allowed, the information about BI server operating system is returned. If access is denied, empty response is returned. Operation result also depends on the presence of the GetSystemInfoExtended setting in settings.xml/registry.

To get information about processor and used resources, define the tArg.cpuInfo and tArg.processInfo fields. The operation results in the obtained information.


Various methods of using the operation are given in the following examples:

Example name
Getting Information about Repository Connection
Getting Information about BI Server Processor

Getting BI Server Performance Parameters

See also:

Common Operations