

The INetSmtpClient interface contains properties and methods for email messages sending using the SMTP mail service.


The SMTP client described with this interface enables the user to send emails to the mail server, which address is specified on initializing of the SMTP client in the CurlSmtpClient.CreateWithHost or CurlSmtpClient.CreateWithHostAndPort constructor. The mail server relays an email to other mail servers according to the information about recipients. If authorization is required, it is necessary to specify appropriate credentials at the mail server in the ThisHostCredentials property.

If required, mail server and port information can be changed in the Host and Port properties. After that SMTP client can be used again to send any emails.

NOTE. If SMTP server is accessed from the local network via proxy server, it is required to check if access permissions for the SMTP server port in use are contained at the proxy server.


  Property name Brief description
The Credentials property returns the credentials used for the outgoing mail server authorization.
EnableSsl The EnableSsl property determines whether SSL encryption is required to send messages via external mail servers.
The Host property determines the name or the IP address of a sending mail SMTP server.
The Port property determines the port, through which messages are sent.
The ThisHostCredentials property determines the credentials of the SMTP sending mail server that is used on email message sending.
The Timeout property determines the timeout, during which a message is waited to be sent to server.
The UseDefaultCredentials property determines whether to use for all the queries the system accounts for the current security context, in which the application is executed.


  Method name Brief description
The Send method sends an email message.

See also:

Net Assembly Interfaces | Sending Emails via Various SMTP Servers