Start(Var Value: Variant);
Value. Data or request sent to network resource for processing.
The Start method initializes sending of the request to network resource.
On executing POST requests in the Value parameter the SOAP request is specified that will be processed by server.
On executing GET requests in the Value parameter the empty string can be sent and execution parameters are specified in network resource URL string.
On finishing request execution, the result will be available in the Result property.
Executing the example requires the deployed Foresight Analytics Platform BI server.
Add a link to the Net system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
Service: INetHttpService;
Cmd: INetCommand;
HttpCmd: INetHttpCommand;
Request: Variant;
Response, Id: string;
Service := New NetHttpService.Create;
Service.Url := "http://localhost:9090/axis2/services/PP.SOM.Som";
Cmd := Service.Connect;
HttpCmd := Cmd As INetHttpCommand;
HttpCmd.Command := NetHttpCommandType.Post;
HttpCmd.AcceptLanguage := "ru";
Request := "<OpenMetabase>" +
"<tDef><id>griva_p5</id></tDef>" +
"<tCreds><user><id>sa</id></user><pass>Qwerty1</pass></tCreds>" +
"</OpenMetabase>" ;
Response := Cmd.Result As String;
Id := Response.SubString(Response.IndexOf("<id>") + 4, Response.IndexOf("</id>") - Response.IndexOf("<id>") - 4);
Request := "<CloseMetabase><tMb><id>" + id + "</id></tMb></CloseMetabase>";
End Sub UserProc;
On executing the example, BI server connection is established. Request to open connection with repository will be sent to BI server, the obtained connection moniker will be displayed to the development environment console. After that the request to open repository connection is sent.
See also: