

The BinaryReader class implements an object that enables the user to read data from binary files.


  Constructor name Brief description
The Create constructor creates an object that enables the user to read binary data.

Class object properties inherited from IBinaryReader

  Property name Brief description
The Stream property returns the stream for working with a binary file as a bytes sequence.

Class object methods inherited from IBinaryReader

  Method name Brief description
The EndOfList method returns whether a binary file page end is reached.
The ReadBoolean method reads a logical value from a binary file.
The ReadChar method reads characters from a binary file.
The ReadDateTime method reads date and time from a binary file.
The ReadDouble method reads real numbers from a binary file.
The ReadInteger method reads an integer value from a binary file.
The ReadListBegin method reads an indicator of a page start from a binary file.
The ReadListEnd method reads an indicator of a page end from a binary file.
The ReadString method reads a character string from a binary file.

See also:

IO Assembly Classes