Drawing Assembly Interfaces

  Interface Brief description
IBinary The IBinary interface is used to work with binary data which can be sent to the application macro from BI server operations.
IExporter The IExporter interface contains general properties and methods that are used to export different objects.
IExportFormat The IExportFormat interface contains properties that return information about the format, to which the object is exported.
IGxBitmap The IGxBitmap interface contains properties and methods of the bitmap.
IGxBitmapClass The IGxBitmapClass interface contains static methods of access to the bitmap.
IGxBrush The IGxBrush interface contains basic brush properties.
IGxBulkSettings The IGxBulkSettings interface contains basic properties that are used to determine batch operation parameters.
IGxColor The IGxColor interface contains properties of color.
IGxColorClass The IGxColorClass interface contains the GxColor static class methods that are used to access the colors.
IGxColorScale The IGxColorScale interface is used to work with a color scale.
IGxDeviceICMProfiles The IGxDeviceICMProfiles interface contains properties that are used to work with the collection of color profiles compared with the device.
IGxDocument The IGxDocument interface contains properties and methods of the object that supports printing with a printer and export to various formats.
IGxDocumentLabel The IGxDocumentLabel interface returns parameters of the stamp, by which the document is marked on print and export.
IGxDocumentPrinter The IGxDocumentPrinter interface contains properties and methods of the abstract document printer.
IGxFlowDocument The IGxFlowDocument interface contains methods of the object of the Formatted Text regular report.
IGxFont The IGxFont interface contains font properties.
IGxFontBase The IGxFontBase interface is used to get basic font settings.
IGxGraphics The IGxGraphics interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with object's graphic context.
IGxGraphicsClass The IGxGraphicsClass interface contains static methods that are used to access the graphic object.
IGxHatchBrush The IGxHatchBrush interface contains properties of hatching brush.
IGxICMManager The IGxICMManager interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with color profiles of printers and display.
IGxIcon The IGxIcon interface contains properties and methods of the icon.
IGxImage The IGxImage interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with an image.
IGxImageClass The IGxImageClass interface contains static methods that are used to access the image.
IGxImageFormat The IGxImageFormat interface is a basic interface that contains the structure of the graphic image format.
IGxImageFormatClass The IGxImageFormatClass interface contains static properties of the image standard formats.
IGxImageList The IGxImageList interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the collection of images.
IGxLinearGradientBrush The IGxLinearGradientBrush interface contains properties of the linear gradient brush.
IGxMetafile The IGxMetafile interface contains properties and methods of the metafile.
IGxMetafileClass The IGxMetafileClass interface contains static methods of access to metafiles.
IGxNumericScale The IGxNumericScale interface is used to work with numeric scale.
IGxPageMargins The IGxPageborders interface contains properties of margins for pages of different objects.
IGxPageSettings The IGxPageSettings interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine page settings.
IGxPen The IGxPen interface contains pen properties.
IGxPenBase The IGxPenBase interface is used to edit basic pen settings.
IGxPoint The IGxPoint interface contains properties and methods of the integer point.
IGxPointF The IGxPointF interface contains properties and methods of the real point.
IGxPrintComment The IGxPrintComment interface contains properties of print options.
IGxPrinter The IGxPrinter interface contains properties of the printer installed in the operating system.
IGxPrinters The IGxPrinters interface contains properties of the printers installed in the operating system by default.
IGxPrintersClass The IGxPrintersClass interface contains static properties of the printer.
IGxRect The IGxRect interface contains properties and methods of the integer rectangle.
IGxRectangleTransformImage The IGxRectangleTransformImage interface contains properties and methods of the image that is changed for account of using the fixed margins.
IGxRectF The IGxRectF interface contains properties and methods of the real rectangle.
IGxScale The IGxScale interface contains scale parameters.
IGxSize The IGxSize interface contains properties and methods of the integer size.
IGxSizeF The IGxSizeF interface contains properties and methods of the real size.
IGxSolidBrush The IGxSolidBrush interface contains properties of the solid brush.
IGxStamp The IGxStamp interface contains settings of document marking stamp.

The IGxStamps property determines a set of document marking stamps.

IGxStringFormat The IGxStringFormat interface contains properties of the text format.
IGxSystemColors The IGxSystemColors interface contains properties of system colors.
IGxSystemIcons The IGxSystemIcons interface contains properties of system icons.
IGxTextureBrush The IGxTextureBrush interface contains texture brush properties.
IGxThemeColors The IGxThemeColors interface contains static properties of the GxThemeColors class used to get colors of controls in accordance with the used theme.].
IGxSystemFontNames The IGxSystemFontNames interface is used to work with the collection of system fonts.
IGxTitle The IGxTitle interface contains basic properties and methods that are used to work with an object graphical title.
IGxTransformImage The IGxTransformImage interface contains properties and methods of the image that contains any changes.
ISparkline The ISparkline interface contains basic properties of sparklines used in various repository objects.
IStyleContainer The IStyleContainer interface contains properties and methods of the style container included into the styles table.
IStyleContainerCollection The IStyleContainerCollection interface is used to work with the collection of style containers.
IStyledEntity The IStyledEntity interface is used to work with visualizer style.
IStyleSheet The IStyleSheet interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a styles table.
IVisStyleProvider The IVisStyleProvider interface is used to access information about chart style palettes via COM interface.

See also:

Drawing Assembly Classes | Drawing Assembly Enumerations