Item(Index: Integer): String;
Index. System font index.
The Item property returns name of the system font by its number.
To determine the number of system fonts, use IGxSystemFontNames.Count.
Add a link to the Drawing system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
font: IGxSystemFontNames;
n: integer;
names: string;
i: integer;
// Create an object that is used to work with system fonts
font := New GxSystemFontNames.Create;
// Get the number of system fonts
n := font.Count - 1;
// Get and display names and the number of all system fonts in the console window
For i := 1 To n Do
names := font.Item(i - 1);
Debug.WriteLine("Name of system font #" + i.ToString + " = " + names);
End For;
Debug.WriteLine("Number of system fonts = " + n.ToString);
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example the console window displays names and the number of all system fonts.
See also: