The RequestCallParams, DeltaStreamCallParams, TableCallParams auxiliary classes contain the properties that are used to exchange requests with a mobile platform server.
The RequestCallParams class is used in the request, tableStream, retryTableStream, tableStreamAsync and retryTableStreamAsync methods.
Property | Data type | Default value | Description |
data | String | "" | Data sent in request body. |
dataBasePath | String | "" | Path to database file. NOTE. If the fileName non-empty property is set at the same time, data is not sent to the database. |
dbPassword | String | "" | Database encryption key. |
headers | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | Dictionary with additional HTTP headers. | |
retryCount | Int32 | 10 | Number of request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions. |
retryIntervalSec | Int32 | 10 | Interval between request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions in seconds. |
fileName | String | "" | File name to save data. |
args | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | A dictionary with additional arguments that are added to URL. |
init(defaultProperty:()) - class initialization with setting default property values
init(defaultDb: ()) - class initialization using the init(defaultProperty:()) method and setting the dataBasePath property:
self.dataBasePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory()).appendingPathComponent("Documents/hhfw.sqlite").path
The DeltaStreamCallParams class is used in the deltaStream, deltaStreamAsync methods.
Property | Data type | Default value | Description |
data | String | "" | Data sent in request body. |
dataBasePath | String | "" | Path to database file. NOTE. If the fileName non-empty property is set at the same time, data is not sent to the database. |
dbPassword | String | "" | Database encryption key. |
headers | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | Dictionary with additional HTTP headers. | |
retryCount | Int32 | 10 | Number of request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions. |
retryIntervalSec | Int32 | 10 | Interval between request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions in seconds. |
fileName | String | "" | File name to save data. |
init(defaultProperty:()) - class initialization with setting default property values.
init(defaultDb: ()) - class initialization using the init(defaultProperty:()) method and setting the dataBasePath property:
self.dataBasePath = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSHomeDirectory()).appendingPathComponent("Documents/hhfw.sqlite").path
The TableCallParams class is used in the table, retryTable, tableAsync, retryTableAsync methods.
Property | Data type | Default value | Description |
data | String | "" | Data sent in request body. |
headers | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | Dictionary with additional HTTP headers. | |
retryCount | Int32 | 10 | Number of request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions. |
retryIntervalSec | Int32 | 10 | Interval between request repetitions or resource downloading repetitions in seconds. |
fileName | String | "" | File name to save data. |
args | Dictionary<AnyHashable,Any> | A dictionary with additional arguments that are added to URL. |
init(defaultProperty:()) - class initialization with setting default property values.
See. also: