

The IMapTopobaseShape interface contains properties that are used to determine map layer area parameters.


   Property name Brief description
AttributeValue The AttributeValue property returns the value of the area attribute by value name.
BarOriginOffset The BarOriginOffset property determines parameters of the bar indicator anchor point.
Description The Description property determines area description.
Id The Id property determines an area identifier.
ImageOriginOffset The ImageOriginOffset property determines parameters of the icon indicator anchor point.
Name The Name property determines an area name.
OriginOffset The OriginOffset property determines parameters of the arrow anchor point.
Owner The Owner property returns the layer owning the area.
PieOriginOffset The PieOriginOffset property determines parameters of the pie indicator anchor point.
Primitives The Primitives property determines the collection of the primitives that make up the area.
Text The Text property determines an area label.
TextOriginOffset The TextOriginOffset property determines parameters of the area label anchor point.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces