
Assembly: Map;


The IMapLayerArrows interface contains properties and methods that determine arrow collection parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy



   Property name Brief description
BasementWidth The BasementWidth property returns arrow size parameters.
ColorMapping The ColorMapping property returns arrow fill parameters.
Count The Count property returns the size of arrows collection.
ToolTipFormat The ToolTipFormat property determines format of a tooltip for arrows.
UseDataMapping The UseDataMapping property determines whether size and fill parameters are used for an arrow.


   Method name Brief description
Clear The Clear method clears an arrows collection.
CreateByIDs The CreateByIDs method adds an arrow to the collection based on the specified identifiers of connected territories.
CreateByNames The CreateByNames method adds an arrow to the collection based on the specified names of connected territories.
FindByIDs The FindByIDs method searches for an arrow by the specified identifiers of connected territories.
FindByNames The FindByNames method searches for an arrow by the specified names of connected territories.
GetIndex The GetIndex method returns the arrow index in the collection.
Item The Item method returns the arrow by the specified index.
RefreshData The RefreshData method refreshes arrows collection parameters.
Remove The Remove method removes the arrow from the collection by the specified index.

See also:

Map Assembly Interfaces