Decision Tree

Decision trees are a way of presenting rules in a hierarchical and sequential structure where for each object there is one node with a decision.

A rule is an "If... then" logical structure. For example:

The tree consists of internal nodes that contain test conditions and leaves that are decisions.

Building a Decision Tree

Suppose there is a set T that contains objects, each of which is characterized by m attributes, and one of the attributes indicates that an object belongs to a certain class.

Consider the idea of building decision trees from a set T (first developed by Hunt) according to R. Quinlan).

Let denote classes via {C1, C2, … Ck}, then the following situations are possible:

The above described procedure is the basis for many modern algorithms for building decision trees. This method is also known as divide and conquer. Using this method, a decision tree is built from top to bottom.

Since all the objects have been previously assigned to the known classes, this process of building a decision tree is named supervised learning. The learning process is also named inductive learning or tree induction.

See also:

Library of Methods and Models | Fill from Example | ISmDecisionTree