
Assembly: Laner;


The ILanerSeriesSet interface contains properties and methods used to manipulate the set of series.

Inheritance Hierarchy




A set of series enables the user to speed up operation execution. For example, it is available to copy a set of series instead of copying each series.

Properties Inherited from ILanerSerieList

  Property name Brief description
The Count property returns the number of series in collection.
The Item property returns the series from the collection by its index.


  Method name Brief description
Add The Add method adds the series to the set.
Clear The Clear method removes all the series from the set.
LoadFromStream The LoadFromStream method loads the series set from the stream.
Remove The Remove method removes the defined series from the set.
SaveToStream The SaveToStream method saves the series set to the stream.

Properties Inherited from ILanerSerieList

  Method name Brief description
The FindById method searches the series in the collection by its identifier.
The FindByKey method searches the series in the collection by its key.

See also:

Laner Assembly Interfaces