Laner Assembly Enumerations

  Enumeration Brief description
LnAttributeType The LnAttributeType enumeration is used to determine attribute type.
LnCellType The LnCellType enumeration contains the type of the cells in the data table of a workbook.
LnChangeType The LnChangeType enumeration contains the changes made in the workbook.
LnColumnType The LnColumnType enumeration contains the type of the column in the workbook sidehead.
LnDatabaseColumnText The LnDatabaseColumnText enumeration contains the variants of the text that can be displayed in the sidehead column of a workbook, and the workbook displays the information about the series database.
LnDataDisplayType The LnDataDisplayType enumeration contains the variants of the displayed series values.
LnDerivedSerieType The LnDerivedSerieType enumeration contains the child series types of a calculated series.
LnOptionState The LnOptionState enumeration is used to determine whether to display child series of calculated series.
LnSaveOptions The LnSaveOptions enumeration contains the variants of changes that need to be saved.
LnSerieFactorSearchResult The LnSerieFactorSearchResult enumeration determines whether the time series database contains a series that has the same values of mandatory attributes as the current series.
LnSerieKind The LnSerieKind enumeration is used to determine series type.
LnSortDirection The LnSortDirection enumeration is used to determine sorting direction.
LnSuppressEmptyArea The LnSuppressEmptyArea enumeration contains the types of empty cells filtering areas.
LnTransformPeriodSet The LnTransformPeriodSet enumeration contains the options of a calculation period.
ValidationSeverity The ValidationSeverity enumeration is used to determine importance level for the validation filter.

See also:

Laner Assembly Interfaces | Laner Assembly Classes | Examples