

The ILanerContext class implements the context, in which data is synchronized between time series database workbooks.


If time series database workbooks are registered in the same context, their data is synchronized. When series values change in one of the workbooks, the corresponding data is updated in all the series that have the same values of mandatory attributes.

Properties inherited from ILanerContext

  Property name Brief description
The AllowExternalStubs property determines whether series from different workbooks can be used in calculation.
The AllowSmartHighlighting property determines whether "smart" highlighting is allowed.
The AllowSynchronization property determines whether equal series synchronization is allowed.
The DataLoadEndDate property determines a date of data loading end for all workbooks, that are in the context.
The DataLoadStartDate property determines the date of data loading start for all workbooks, that are in the context.

Methods inherited from ILanerContext

  Method name Brief description
The BeginLoad method starts loading of workbooks into the context.
The CreateCopy method creates a copy of the specified workbook.
The EndLoad method ends loading of workbooks to the context.
The FindSerieByStubKey method searches a series in the context by data source key.
The IsRegistered method returns whether workbook is registered in the context.
The LoadFromStream method loads the context from specified stream.
The RefreshData method updates data of workbooks registered in the context.
The Register method registers workbook in the context.
The SaveToStream method loads the context into specified stream.
The Unregister method disconnects a workbook from the context.

See also:

Laner Assembly Classes