In this article:
Article number: KB000016
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There are several methods of executing database queries in a custom application: via standard programming interfaces or via the repository objects Query or Procedure.
The first version is used to execute a query using the Dal assembly interfaces. This method has a number of drawbacks if complex queries are used:
Editing a query becomes more complex.
It is more difficult to read the code of the custom application.
Consider an example of parametric query execution, which adds a record to any database table. Fields values are passed by the function input parameters. Executing the example requires the Database object with the OBJ_DB identifier. The function results in the number of added records:
Function ChangeData(Value1: Variant; Value2: Variant): Integer;
Mb: IMetabase;
DbIns: IDatabaseInstance;
Command: IDalCommand;
CommandParams: IDalCommandParams;
SQL: String;
Result: Integer;
Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
DbIns := Mb.ItemById("OBJ_DB").Open(Null) As IDatabaseInstance;
SQL := "Insert into ... values (:Val1, :Val2)";
Command := DbIns.Connection.CreateCommand(SQL);
CommandParams := Command.Params;
CommandParams.Item(0).Value := Value1;
CommandParams.Item(1).Value := Value2;
Result := Command.Execute;
Return Result;
End Function ChangeData;
Example of extracting values. The function results in the cursor with an output data set:
Function ReadData: IDalCursor;
Mb: IMetabase;
DbIns: IDatabaseInstance;
Command: IDalCommand;
SQL: String;
Result: IDalCursor;
Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
DbIns := Mb.ItemById("OBJ_DB").Open(Null) As IDatabaseInstance;
SQL := "Select ...";
Command := DbIns.Connection.CreateCommand(SQL);
Result := Command.CreateCursor;
Return Result;
End Function ReadData;
The second option assumes the use of the repository objects Query or Procedure with necessary parameter sets. The application must include a function that allows for getting results of this query. Advantages of this method:
The repository object is stored in a known location and it can be easily edited.
The amount of application code is decreased and the debugging efficiency is increased.
The example of getting data by executing the Query object. Identifier in the repository query is passed in the QueryId function parameter and the ParamId query parameter identifier is passed in the ParamValue parameter value. The function results in the opened instance of an object providing an access to the cached data:
Public Function RunQueryWithParam(QueryId: String; ParamId: String; ParamValue: Variant): IDatasetInstance;
Mb: IMetabase;
QueryKey: Integer;
Desc: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
Pars: IMetabaseObjectParamValues;
Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
QueryKey := Mb.GetObjectKeyById(QueryId);
If QueryKey = -1 Then
Return Null;
End If;
Desc := Mb.Item(QueryKey);
Pars := Desc.Params.CreateEmptyValues;
Pars.FindById(ParamId).Value := ParamValue;
Return Desc.Open(Pars) As IDatasetInstance;
End Function RunQueryWithParam;
In the application the code looks as follows:
Tasks: IDatasetInstance;
Tasks := RunQueryWithParam(< Query identifier >, "ID", < Parameter value >);
To get access to data, use the IDatasetInstance.Fields property or address the data source cache using the IDatasetInstance.OpenCached method:
Tasks: IDatasetInstance;
TasksData: ICachedDataset;
Tasks := RunQueryWithParam(< Query identifier >, "ID", < Parameter value >);
TasksData := Tasks.OpenCached;
To pass the multiple value to the parameter, use the following structure:
Tasks: IDatasetInstance;
Ls: ArrayList;
Ls := New ArrayList.Create;
For i := 1 To 2 Do
End For;
Tasks := RunQueryWithParam(< Query identifier >, "ID", Ls.ToArray);
After finishing work with data close the object instance and cache:
Tasks: IDatasetInstance;
TasksData: ICachedDataset;
Tasks := RunQueryWithParam(< Query identifier >, "ID", < Parameter value >);
TasksData := Tasks.OpenCached;
// Work with data
The DBMS servers configuration constraints the number of simultaneously opened cursors that is why it is required to close not used cursors using the Close method.
Consider as well recommendations for development of applications functioning in the MARS mode. These recommendations are represented in the MSDN.
When creating queries, take into account the syntax that is used on working with a specific DBMS. The repository objects Query and Procedure enable the user to specify syntax for several DBMS at the same time, which can be used on moving objects between repositories deployed in different DBMS.
The important are parameters of the Query and Procedure objects, which are used in SQL queries to return values. Such parameters must be explicitly cast to returned value type. It is related to the ability to transform data of different DBMS and also to the features of work of platform drivers. The example of query with parameter type transformation:
select cast(:param as <type>) as param
See also:
Developers Knowledge Base | The Dal Assembly | The Query Object