

The IWxMetabaseObject interface contains properties of the repository object that is displayed on the workspace.


  Property name Brief description
MetabaseObject The MetabaseObject property determines the repository object that is displayed on the workspace.
NextMetabaseObjects The NextMetabaseObjects property returns the object, on which this object depends.
NextMetabaseObjectsCount The NextMetabaseObjectsCount property returns the number of objects, on which this object depends.
PreviousMetabaseObjects The PreviousMetabaseObjects property returns the object that depends on this object.
PreviousMetabaseObjectsCount The PreviousMetabaseObjectsCount property returns the number of objects that depend on this object.


  Method name Brief description
ShowDependencies The ShowDependencies method displays the objects, on which this object depends, on the workspace.
ShowDependents The ShowDependents method displays the objects, which depend on this object, on the workspace.

See also:

Workspace Assembly Interfaces