Add(Value: String): Integer;
Value. Value of new array element.
The Add method adds a new element to array.
To add a new element to array by the specified index, use the IVZStringArray.InsertAt method.
Add a link to the Visualizators system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
Array: IVZStringArray;
i: Integer;
// Create new array and add elements to it
Array := New VZStringArray.Create;
Array.Add("Value 1");
Array.Add("Value 2");
Array.Add("Value 3");
// Remove element from position with index 1
// Insert new element to position with index 1
Array.InsertAt(1, "New value");
// Display element value in position with index 1
Debug.WriteLine("Element in position with index 1: " + Array.Item(1));
// Output all array elements
Debug.WriteLine("New array:");
For i := 0 To Array.Count - 1 Do
End For;
// Display array size
Debug.WriteLine("Array size: " + Array.Count.ToString);
// Clear array
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example an array of string variables is created. The console window displays value of array element with the 1 index, the list of all array elements and array size. Then the array is cleared.
See also: