
Assembly: Visualizators;


The IVZResourceImage interface is used to work with visualizer size legend resources.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Resources are set for maximum value and minimum value icons of size legend using the IVZSizeLegendMarker.BigImage, IVZSizeLegendMarker.SmallImage properties.

Size legend parameters can be obtained in the IVZLegends.Item property after it is cast to the IVZSizeLegend type.

To change size legend element marker, use the IVZResourceImage.ResourceId or IVZResourceImage.Bitmap property.


  Property name Brief description
Bitmap The Bitmap property determines the image that is used as a legend element marker.
ResourceId The ResourceId property determines an identifier of the resource that is used as a legend element marker.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces