

GetMinValue(attrId: String; timeIndex: Integer; UseSignDivision: Boolean): Variant;


attrId. Visualizer metric name:

Visualizer Metric name Brief description
Table Value Value
  BackgroundColor Background color
  FontColor Font color
  FontSize Font size
Map color Color
  height Height  
  pieAngle Pie
  barHeight Bar
Bubble chart x X value axis position
  y Y value axis position
  color Color
  radius Size
Bubble tree and tree map color Color
  radius Size

IMPORTANT. When setting metric name it is required to keep the given case.

Parameter value can also be obtained using the IVZDataSourceMapping.AttributeId property.

timeIndex. Timeline index.

UseSignDivision. Indicates whether data is processed by unit.


The GetMinValue method returns minimum value of the specified metric by timeline index.


If timeline index is -1, the method returns data by the entire timeline.


The method use is given in the example for IVZMultiplyDataSource.GetData.

See also:
