
Assembly: Visualizators;


The IVZMapChartShape interface is used to work with map layer area.

Inheritance Hierarchy




To set up a map layer, use properties of the IVZMapChartLayer interface.


  Property name Brief description
Background The Background property determines a brush to fill map layer area background.
Border The Border property determines pen parameters for map layer area border.
Effects The Effects property determines map layer area effects.
Height The Height property determines map layer area height.
IsStrokedShape The IsStrokedShape property determines a display mode for map layer area with an outline and without background fill.
Name The Name property determines a map layer area name.
ParentLayer The ParentLayer property determines a map parent layer.
Selected The Selected property determines whether map area is selected.
ShapeId The ShapeId property determine a map layer area identifier.
ShowVisuals The ShowVisuals property determines whether a tooltip is displayed on map layer area mouseover.
SphereData The SphereData property determines sphere map parameters.
TriangulateData The TriangulateData property determines triangular map parameters.

Properties inherited from IVZMapChartBaseObject

  Property name Brief description
MapChart The MapChart property returns the object that contains express report map display parameters.
Visible The Visible property determines whether an object is displayed on a map.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces