
Assembly: Visualizators;


The IVZMapChartArrow interface is used to work with a map arrow.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Arrow  is a map object linked to two territories: the one, from which arrow starts, and the one, to which arrow is directed. Arrows enable the user to visualize direction of movement of any streams between territories, for example: export or import of goods.

To get map arrow, use IVZMapChartArrows.Item.

To add an arrow to map, use IVZMapChartArrows.Add.


  Property name Brief description

The ArrowId property determines identifier of map arrow.

The ArrowStyle property determines an object for working with map arrow style.

The EndShapeId property determines identifier of the territory, to which arrow comes in.

The StartShapeId property determine identifier of the territory, from which arrow goes.

Properties inherited from IVZMapChartBaseObject

  Property name Brief description
MapChart The MapChart property returns an object that contains express report map display parameters.
Visible The Visible property determines whether an object is displayed on a map.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces