
Assembly: Visualizators;


The IVZDataCoordinateAdapter interface is used for coordinated data transformation.

Inheritance Hierarchy





Parameters of normalized data transformer can be obtained in the IVZDataSourceMapping.DataTransformer property after it is cast to the IVZDataCoordinateAdapter type.


  Property name Brief description

The IncludeZero property determines whether zero value are excluded in transformer.

The UseSignDivision property determines whether data is process by unit in transformer.

Properties inherited from IVZDataNormalizeAdapter

  Property name Brief description
MaxValue The MaxValue property determines the upper border of the interval, to which the data is cast.
MinCutValue The MinCutValue property determines minimum value of the interval.
MinValue The MinValue property determines the lower border of the interval, to which the data is cast.
NoDataValue The NoDataValue property determines the value if there is no data.
NormalizeMode The NormalizeMode property determines data normalization mode.

Methods inherited from IVZDataNormalizeAdapter

  Method name Brief description

The InitializeFromDataSource method loads data into the converter from the specified source.

Methods inherited from IVZDataAdapter

  Method name Brief description

The GetData method returns converted data.

See also:

Visualizators Assembly Interfaces