

Alignment: VisualizatorBubbleTreeAlignment;


The Alignment property determines alignment type for elements in a bubble tree.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains an express report with the EXP identifier. The module containing the example should have links to the Drawing, Express, Metabase and Visualizators system assemblies. The specified procedure should be called from the Main entry point.

Before executing this example, the bubble tree looks as shown on the IVZBubbleTree interface description page. Set alignment at top border for bubble tree elements, animation time for bubbles (three seconds) and a second level of dimension, according to which data is selected. Select blue color for bubble inner labels and red color for bubble outer labels.

Sub UserProc;
    Metabase: IMetabase; // Metabase
    Analyzer: IEaxAnalyzer; // Express report
    BubbleTree: IVZBubbleTree; // Bubble tree
    LabelStyle: IVZLabelStyle; // Label style
    Color: IGxColor; // Label color
    // Get metabase object
    Metabase := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Get express report object
    Analyzer := Metabase.ItemById("EXP").Edit As IEaxAnalyzer;
    // Get bubble tree
    BubbleTree := Analyzer.BubbleTree.BubbleTree;
    // Set alignment at top border for bubble tree bubbles
    BubbleTree.Alignment := VisualizatorBubbleTreeAlignment.Top;
    // Set animation time to three seconds
    BubbleTree.AnimationTime := 3;
    // Set new level of dimension according to which data is selected
    BubbleTree.Index := 2;
    // Set blue color for bubble inner labels
    LabelStyle := New VZLabelStyle.Create;
    Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(00255);
    LabelStyle.FontColor := Color;
    BubbleTree.InnerLabelsStyle := LabelStyle;
    // Set red color for bubble outer labels
    LabelStyle := New VZLabelStyle.Create;
    Color := New GxColor.CreateRGB(25500);
    LabelStyle.FontColor := Color;
    BubbleTree.OuterLabelsStyle := LabelStyle;
    // Save changes, made in express report
    (Analyzer As IMetabaseObject).Save;
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example, bubble tree elements are aligned at top border, animation time for bubbles is three seconds, the second level of dimension, according to which data is selected, is set, and red color is selected for outer labels of bubble tree bubbles.

Blue color is selected for inner labels of bubbles. To demonstrate this change, click any available bubble of the lowest level:

See also:
