The TsStatisticsType enumeration is used to determine a summary statistics in use.
It is used by the following properties:
Value | Brief description |
1 | Sum. Sum. |
2 | Average. Average. |
3 | Min. Minimum. |
4 | Max. Maximum. |
5 | Count. Number of values. |
6 | NonEmptyCount. Number of non-empty values. |
7 | EmptyCount. Number of empty values. |
8 | Mode. Mode. |
9 | Median. Median. |
10 | Disp. Variance. |
11 | StdDev. Standard deviation. |
12 | Skew. Skewness. |
13 | Kurt. Kurtosis. |
14 | Range. Range. |
15 | VarC. Variation coefficient. |
16 | SQ. Sum of squares. |
17 | AutoCorrelation1. First-order autocorrelation. |
18 | HighDecile. Upper decile. |
19 | HighQuartile. Upper quartile. |
20 | LowQuartile. Lower quartile. |
21 | LowDecile. Lower decile. |
22 | NumbersCount. Numbers count. |
23 | R2. Determination coefficient. |
24 | AdjR2. Adjusted determination coefficient. |
25 | R2_2. Determination coefficient (uncentered). |
26 | AdjR2_2. Adjusted determination coefficient (uncentered). |
27 | Fstat. Fisher statistic. |
28 | ProbFstat. Fisher statistic probability. |
29 | LogL. Log-likelihood function. |
30 | AIC. Akaike information criterion. |
31 | SC. Schwarz information criterion. |
32 | SE. Standard error. |
33 | Jstat. J statistic. |
34 | ProbJstat. J statistic probability. |
35 | DW. Durbin-Watson statistic. |
36 | DWLowerBound. Lower limit probability. |
37 | DWUpperBound. Upper limit probability. |
38 | HQcriterion. HQ criterion. |
39 | AvgLogL. Mean of log-likelihood function. |
40 | McFaddenRsquared. McFadden determination coefficient. |
41 | RestrLogL. Restricted log-likelihood function. |
42 | LRstatistic. LR statistic. |
43 | LRprobability. p-value of probability for the LR statistic. |
44 | ME. Mean error. |
45 | MAE. Mean absolute error. |
46 | MSE. Mean squared error. |
47 | SqMSE. Root mean squared error. |
48 | VE. Residual variance. |
49 | SEE. Standard deviation of residuals. |
50 | JBStat. Jarque-Bera statistic. |
51 | SSR. Sum of squared residuals. |
52 | NumOfIter. The number of iterations after which the method has converged. |
53 | ObservationsCount. Number of observations. |
54 | AveDev. Absolute deviation. |
55 | InterquartileRange. Interquartile range (90%). |
56 | AutoCorrelation2. Second-order autocorrelation. |
57 | DistinctCount. Number of unique values. |
58 | Fstat_2. Fisher statistic (uncentered). |
59 | ProbFstat_2. Fisher statistic probability (uncentered). |
60 | ProbJBStat. Jarque-Bera statistic probability. |
61 | MaxAE. Maximum absolute error. |
62 | MD. Mean of dependent variable. |
63 | SD. Standard deviation of dependent variable. |
Mathematical description of summary statistics is given in the Library of Methods and Models section.
See also: