

The IMemoryStatus interface contains properties that are used to get information about the available operating system memory.


  Property name Brief description
AvailablePageFile The AvailablePageFile property returns the size of available swap file.
AvailablePhysicalMemory The AvailablePhysicalMemory property returns the size of available physical memory in bytes.
AvailableVirtualMemory The AvailableVirtualMemory property returns the size of available virtual memory in bytes.
MemoryLoad The MemoryLoad property returns total memory load in percents.
TotalPageFile The TotalPageFile property returns total size of swap file in bytes.
TotalPhysicalMemory The TotalPhysicalMemory property returns total amount of physical memory in bytes.
TotalVirtualMemory The TotalVirtualMemory property returns total size of virtual memory in bytes.

See also:

Host Assembly Interfaces