FeatureName: String;
The FeatureName property returns feature name.
To execute the example, place the Button, Editbox and Memo components named Button1, Editbox1 and Memo1 on the form.
Add links to the Host, Ui, Forms, Collections system assemblies.
The example is a handler of the OnClick event for the Button1 component.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
LicManager: ILicenseManager;
Feature: String;
Lic: ILicense;
StatusCode: UiLicenseStatusCode;
Info: IStringList;
LicManager := WinApplication.Instance.LicenseManager;
Feature := Editbox1.Text;
StatusCode := LicManager.RequestLicense(Feature, Lic);
If StatusCode = UiLicenseStatusCode.Success Then Lic.LicenseUpdate;
Info := Memo1.Lines;
Info.Add("Feature: " + Lic.FeatureName + ";");
Info.Add("It is used as temporary local license: " + Lic.IsCommuter.ToString + ";");
Info.Add("Server: " + Lic.ServerName + ";");
// handle licensing errors
End If;
//After the work is finished, release license
If Lic <> Null Then
End If;
End Sub Button1OnClick;
After executing the example enter name of the preinstalled feature into Editbox, for example, PP_OLAP, and click the button. Memo displays the information about the specified feature.
See also: