UseGssApi: Boolean;
The UseGssApi property determines the use of authentication for the PostgreSQL server by the GSS API mechanism.
Working of GSS API in Windows requires the libpq.dll library built with support of GSS API, which is part of the PostgreSQL product, and installed MIT Kerberos for Windows. These software products are not included in Foresight Analytics Platform.
To execute the example add a link to the Metabase system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
MbMan: IMetabaseManager;
MbDefs: IMetabaseDefinitions;
MbDef: IMetabaseDefinition;
PostgreSPLD: IPrimaryPostgresSPLD;
MbMan := MetabaseManagerFactory.Active;
MbDefs := MbMan.Definitions;
MbDef := MbDefs.Add;
MbDef.DriverId := "POSTGRES";
MbDef.Id := "Test_PostgreSQL";
MbDef.Name := "Test_PostgreSQL";
MbDef.Authentication := AuthenticationMode.Password;
PostgreSPLD := MbDef.LogonData As IPrimaryPostgresSPLD;
PostgreSPLD.Server := "Server";
PostgreSPLD.Database := "PPTest";
PostgreSPLD.UseGssApi := True;
PostgreSPLD.KrbSrvName := "POSTGRES";
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example a new repository description is created based on the GSS API authentication type. The schema, to which the connection is established, is located on the Server server, which uses PostgreSQL DBMS.
See also: