

PrimaryKeysOnly: IDictionary


The PrimaryKeysOnly property determines a primary keys dictionary to update specific table records or dictionary elements.


The property is not set by default, all table records or dictionary elements are updated on update installation. The data update method is determined by the IMetabaseUpdateDataObjectNode.BatchMode property.

To update specific records or elements, add them one by one to the PrimaryKeysOnly property. Adding a new element to the dictionary is executed with the IDictionary.Add method, as the Key parameter specify record key of table or dictionary element for update, as the Value parameter - the Null value. The specific records or elements will be updated on update installation according to the selected object data update method.

When the dictionary element, which key is added to the glossary, its child elements are not updated. To update dictionary child elements, add their keys to the glossary using the PrimaryKeysOnly property.

All table fields or dictionary attributes are updated by default. To update specific fields or attributes, use the IMetabaseUpdateDataObjectNode.FieldsOnly property.


The property use is given in description of the IMetabaseUpdateDataObjectNode.FieldsOnly property.

See also:
