

The UpdateSortMode enumeration contains sorting types that can be applied to update objects.

It is used by the following method:


ByDepends. Parent objects (objects, of which updated object consists) will be located above the child objects without breaking folders structure (contents).

Destructive. If required, parent objects will be moved outside the folders, in which they were located. An exception is container objects (MDM dictionary, modeling container, and so on): their child objects will not be moved outside the folders.

Deleted. It can be used together with the ByType, ByDepends and Destructive values. To do this, specify required enumeration values via Or.

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 ByType. Sort by object type.
1 ByDepends. Sort by dependency order of objects.
16 Destructive. Order objects on update panel in dependency order with structure breaking.
32 Deleted. Sort deleted objects.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Enumerations