

The UpdateDataConstraintsHandlingType enumeration determines a type of handling data integrity constraint.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Default_. Type is not determined. It is chosen by a core.
1 Ask. Ask in the dialog. If element or records absent in update are present in updated object the dialog box opens, in which action is selected. On updating via the Fore language the OnAskConstraintsHandling event is generated, in which there is a possibility of specific situations handling.
2 NoCheck. Do not check. An object will be updated without checking integrity.
3 KeepRecordUnchanged. Do not delete or change elements or records. If updated object contains elements or records that are absent in update, such records will be saved.
4 KeepTableUnchanged. Do not update the whole dictionary/table. An object is not updated if it contains elements or records absent in update.
5 ErrorBreak. Generate an exception. Process of object update will be broken with error if there are elements or records absent in update.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Enumerations