

The SecuritySubjectMemberOfO enumeration contains parameters for getting groups, in which security subject is included.

It is used by the following method:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Default_. Default value, the method is executed as well as the ISecuritySubject.MemberOf method.
2097152 GetStored. Reserved for internal use.
33554432 CheckSsExists. Reserved for internal use.
67108864 NoNTFetch. Do not ask the information at the directory service, return a list of groups cached in the repository.
268435456 NoGroupInGroup. Reserved for internal use.


If an organization working with application project has a complex structure of directory services, the ISecuritySubject.MemberOfO method with the NoNTFetch parameter use can significantly reduce time of method execution.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Enumerations