

The MetabaseUpdateProgressStage enumeration contains values that correspond with update stages of objects.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Unknown. Unknown state.
1 Start. Start of update applying to repository objects.
2 Prepare. Prepare object for update.
3 Apply. Change object in repository in accordance with object settings in update.
4 Finish. Finish of update applying.
5 LoadPrepare. Prepare synchronization of repository objects with objects in update.
6 LoadApply. Synchronize repository objects with objects in update.
7 LoadFinish. Finish synchronization of repository objects with objects in update.
8 AfterApply. It takes place after objects update before finish. At this stage, the objects are deleted, for which templates were created in repository but these objects could not be restored from update.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Enumerations