

The MetabaseFetchOptions enumeration contains options of reading repository objects on the deferred loading of description.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Only the object is read. Default value.
1 NoFetch. Reading objects only from memory.
2 Parent. Reading objects together with parents.
4 ParentRec. Reading objects together with parents (recursive).
8 Children. Reading objects together with child ones.
16 ChildrenRec. Reading objects together with child ones (recursive).
32 Dependencies. Reading objects together with those they depend on.
64 DependenciesRec. Reading objects together with those they depend on (recursive).
128 Dependents. Reading objects together with the dependent ones.
256 DependentsRec. Reading objects together with the dependent ones.
512 HasChildren. Reading objects together with calculation of the number of child objects.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Enumerations