Name: String;
The Name property determines a series name. To determine the name of a series of named spheres, it is sufficient to specify a single cell.
Executing the example requires a regular report with the REGULAR_REPORT identifier with a 3D scene and data in the range B1:E3 with row and column names on its sheet. A unit is added to the report, which can be used to call the GetName procedure using the hyperlink. Add links to the Chart, Report, Tab, Metabase system assemblies.
Sub GetName;
Report: IPrxReport;
Tab: ITabSheet;
s: IPrxScene3D;
ser: IPrxScene3DNamedPointSerie;
Report := PrxReport.ActiveReport;
Tab := (Report.ActiveSheet As IPrxTable).TabSheet;
s := Tab.Objects.Item(0).Extension As IPrxScene3D;
ser := s.Series.Add(Scene3DSerieType.NamedPoints) As IPrxScene3DNamedPointSerie;
ser.Name := "A1";
ser.X := "B1:E1";
ser.Y := "B2:E2";
ser.Z := "B3:E3";
ser.Points := "B0:E0";
End Sub GetName;
After executing the example clicking the hyperlink creates a data series with name for the specified range.
See also: