

The PrxToolbarSystemButtonType enumeration contains types of system buttons that can be displayed on the toolbar.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. System button type is undefined.
1 Refresh. Refresh button.
2 AutoUpdate. Automatic refresh button.
3 SaveDataChanges. Data save button.
4 RejectDataChanges. Undo changes button.
5 AddObject. Object insert button.
6 Filter. Filtering button.
7 ShelfPanel. Selection control panel button.
8 CustomEvent. Custom event handler button.
9 Print. Print button.
10 Clear. Clear button.
11 ControlPanel. Control button.
12 SearchAndReplace. Find and replace button.
13 DecorMode. Formatting setup button.
14 ControlsEditor. Parameter edit button.
15 AddAttribute. Attribute area add button.
16 AddTableArea. Table area add button.
17 Transpose. Table area transpose button.
18 Edit. Table area edit button.
19 Delete. Table area delete button.
20 ForwardBPM. Process step approval/finish button.
21 BackBPM. Process step rejection button.


Available set of system buttons depends on the tool in use.

See also:

Report Assembly Enumerations