

The PrxReportUserEvents enumeration contains user events of regular report.

It is used by the following methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. None.
1 OnBeforeExecuteReport. The event occurs before regular report calculation.
2 OnAfterExecuteReport. The event occurs after regular report calculation.
4 OnBeforeRecalcSheet. The event occurs before regular report sheet calculation.
8 OnAfterRecalcSheet. The event occurs after regular report sheet calculation.
16 OnBeforeExecuteDataIsland. The event occurs before regular report data area calculation.
32 OnAfterExecuteDataIsland. The event occurs after regular report data area calculation.
64 OnBeforeTransferData. The event occurs before saving changed values of all regular report data areas.
128 OnAfterTransferData. The event occurs after saving changed values of all regular report data areas.
256 OnChangeControlValue. The event occurs on changing the value of regular report control.
512 OnBeforeOpenReport. The event occurs before opening regular report.
1024 OnBeforeActivateSheet. The event occurs before activating regular report sheet.
2048 OnAfterActivateSheet. The event occurs after activating regular report sheet.
4096 OnBeforePrintReport. The event occurs before printing regular report.
8192 OnAfterPrintReport. The event occurs after printing regular report.
16384 OnBeforeExportReport. The event occurs before regular report export.
32768 OnAfterExportReport. The event occurs after regular report export.
65536 OnBeforeExecuteTableIsland. The event occurs before relational data area calculation.
131072 OnAfterExecuteTableIsland. The event occurs after relational data area calculation.
262144 OnBeforeTransferDataSheet. The event occurs before saving changed values of report sheet data areas.
524288 OnAfterTransferDataSheet. The event occurs after saving changed values of report sheet data areas.
1048576 OnBeforeTransferDataDataIsland. The event occurs before saving changed values of data area.
2097152 OnAfterTransferDataDataIsland. The event occurs after saving changed values of data area.
4194304 OnBeforeSaveReport. The event occurs before saving regular report.
8388608 OnBeforeExecuteFormulaIsland. The event occurs before regular report formula area calculation.
16777216 OnAfterExecuteFormulaIsland. The event occurs after regular report formula area calculation.
33554432 OnBeforeDeleteControl. The event occurs before deleting a control.
67108864 OnBeforeRefreshEaxGrid. The event occurs before refreshing analytical data area.
134217728 OnAfterRefreshEaxGrid. The event occurs after refreshing analytical data area.
268435456 OnCellChange. The event occurs after changing value in a cell.
536870912 OnBeforeExecuteCombined. The event occurs before combining queries on calculation of regular report data sources.
2147483647 All. All events.

See also:

Report Assembly Enumerations