

The PrxPointChartMode enumeration contains methods of data transfer for scatter and bubble charts.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 XYY. Values by the X axis are identical and are contained either in the top row (if series are located in the rows), or in the first column (if series are located in the columns). The rest of rows or columns contain series values by the Y axis.
1 XYXY. Values by the X and Y axes alternate in the rows or columns (depending on the series location). If the series are located in rows, the values alternate from top to bottom. If the series are located in columns, the values alternate from left to right.
2 YXX. Values by the X axis are identical and are contained either in the top row (if series are located in the rows), or in the first column (if series are located in the columns). The rest of rows or columns contain series values by the Y axis.
3 YXYX. Values by the X and Y axes alternate in the rows or columns (depending on the series location). If the series are located in rows, the values alternate from top to bottom. If the series are located in columns, the values alternate from left to right.
4 XYZYZ. Values by the X axis are identical and are contained either in the top row (if series are located in the rows), or in the first column (if series are located in the columns). Values by the X and Y axes alternate in the rows or columns (depending on the series location). If series are located in rows, the values alternate from top to bottom. If series are located in columns, the values alternate from left to right.
Where Z - bubble size.
5 XYZXYZ. Values by the X and Y axes alternate in the rows or columns (depending on the series location). If series are located in rows, the values alternate from top to bottom. If series are located in columns, the values alternate from left to right
Where Z - bubble size.
6 YXZXZ. Values by the X axis are identical and are contained either in the top row (if series are located in the rows), or in the first column (if series are located in the columns). Values by the X and Y axes alternate in the rows or columns (depending on the series location). If series are located in rows, the values alternate from top to bottom. If series are located in columns, the values alternate from left to right
Where Z - bubble size.
7 YXZYXZ. Values by the X and Y axes alternate in the rows or columns (depending on the series location). If series are located in rows, the values alternate from top to bottom. If series are located in columns, the values alternate from left to right
Where Z - bubble size.


Locating series in columns or rows is determined by the IPrxChart.SeriesInRows property.

Enumeration types XYZYZ, XYZXYZ, YXZXZ and YXZYXZ ar available only when a bubble chart is selected. By default, the XYZYZ data transfer type is used for bubble charts.

See also:

Report Assembly Enumerations