
Assembly: Report;


The UiReport class implements the UiReport development environment component that is used to link visual components. ReportBox and ReportControlPanel with repository regular reports.

Properties inherited from IUiReport

  Property name Brief description
Report The Report property determines a regular report implemented by the IPrxReport interface.

Properties inherited from IUiMetabaseObject

  Property name Brief description
Active The Active property determines whether the component is active.
Instance The Instance property determines the data of the repository object loaded into the component.
Object The Object property determines repository dictionary to be accessed.
ObjectClassId The ObjectClassId property returns the numeric identifier, corresponding to the class of the object, loaded into the component.
OperationMode The OperationMode property determines an object connection mode.

Properties inherited from IComponent

  Property name Brief description
ComponentCount The ComponentCount property returns the number of child components located on the parent component.
Components The Components property returns a child component, which index is passed via the input parameter.
Data The Data property is used to store any custom data.
Name The Name property determines a component name.
Tag The Tag property is not used by the compiler. The user can change the value of the Tag property and use it at his own discretion.

Methods inherited fromIUiMetabaseObject

  Method name Brief description
ClearDefault The ClearDefault method sets values for all default object parameters.


  Event name Brief description
OnAfterActivateSheet The OnAfterActivateSheet event occurs after changing the report active sheet.
OnAfterAddDataIsland The OnAfterAddDataIsland event occurs after adding a data area.
OnAfterAddEaxGrid The OnAfterAddEaxGrid event occurs after adding an analytical data area.
OnAfterAddFormulaIsland The OnAfterAddFormulaIsland event occurs after adding a formula area.
OnAfterAddSheet The OnAfterAddSheet event occurs after adding a sheet.
OnAfterAddTableIsland The OnAfterAddTableIsland event occurs after adding a relational data area.
OnAfterDeleteDataIsland The OnAfterDeleteDataIsland event occurs after deleting a data area.
OnAfterDeleteEaxGrid The OnAfterDeleteEaxGrid event occurs after deleting an analytical data area.
OnAfterDeleteFormulaIsland The OnAfterDeleteFormulaIsland event occurs after deleting a formula area.
OnAfterDeleteSheet The OnAfterDeleteSheet event occurs after deleting a sheet.
OnAfterDeleteTableIsland The OnAfterDeleteTableIsland event occurs after deleting a relational data area.
OnAfterExecuteDataIsland The OnAfterExecuteDataIsland event occurs after calculating the data area.
OnAfterExecuteFormulaIsland The OnAfterExecuteFormulaIsland event occurs after calculating a regular report formula area.
OnAfterExecuteReport The OnAfterExecuteReport event occurs after executing the report.
OnAfterExecuteTableIsland The OnAfterExecuteTableIsland event occurs after a relational data area has been calculated.
OnAfterExportReport The OnAfterExportReport event occurs after a regular report has been exported.
OnAfterPrintReport The OnAfterPrintReport event occurs after a regular report has been printed.
OnAfterRecalcSheet The OnAfterRecalcSheet event occurs after calculating the report sheet.
OnAfterRefreshEaxGrid The OnAfterRefreshEaxGrid event occurs after refreshing analytical data area.
OnAfterSortEaxGrid The OnAfterSortEaxGrid event occurs after sorting data in an analytical area.
OnAfterTransferData The OnAfterTransferData event occurs after transferring data.
OnAfterTransferDataDataIsland The OnAfterTransferDataDataIsland event occurs after saving changed values of a data area.
OnAfterTransferDataEaxGrid The OnAfterTransferDataEaxGrid event occurs after saving changed values of analytical data area.
OnAfterTransferDataSheet The OnAfterTransferDataSheet event occurs after saving changed values of data areas of a report sheet.
OnBeforeActivateSheet The OnBeforeActivateSheet event occurs before switching from one sheet to another, with possible cancelling of the switching.
OnBeforeChangeControlValue The OnBeforeChangeControlValue event occurs before changing the value of a regular report control.
OnBeforeDeleteControl The OnBeforeDeleteControl event occurs before deleting a control.
OnBeforeDeleteSheet The OnBeforeDeleteSheet event occurs before deleting a regular report sheet.
OnBeforeExecuteCombined The OnBeforeExecuteCombined event occurs before combining queries on calculation of regular report data sources.
OnBeforeExecuteDataIsland The OnBeforeExecuteDataIsland event occurs before calculating the data area.
OnBeforeExecuteFormulaIsland The OnBeforeExecuteFormulaIsland occurs before calculating a regular report formula area.
OnBeforeExecuteReport The OnBeforeExecuteReport event occurs before executing the report.
OnBeforeExecuteTableIsland The OnBeforeExecuteTableIsland event occurs prior to calculating a relational data area.
OnBeforeExportReport The OnBeforeExportReport event occurs prior to exporting a regular report.
OnBeforePrintReport The OnBeforePrintReport event occurs prior to printing a regular report.
OnBeforeRecalcSheet The OnBeforeRecalcSheet event occurs before calculating the report sheet.
OnBeforeRefreshEaxGrid The OnBeforeRefreshEaxGrid event occurs before refreshing analytical data area.
OnBeforeSaveReport The OnBeforeSaveReport event occurs before saving a report.
OnBeforeSaveToStateServer The OnBeforeSaveToStateServer event occurs before saving a regular report to state server.
OnBeforeSortEaxGrid The OnBeforeSortEaxGrid event occurs before sorting data in an analytical area.
OnBeforeTransferData The OnBeforeTransferData event occurs before data transferring.
OnBeforeTransferDataDataIsland The OnBeforeTransferDataDataIsland event occurs before saving changed values of a data area.
OnBeforeTransferDataEaxGrid The OnBeforeTransferDataDataEaxGrid event occurs before saving changed values of an analytical data area.
OnBeforeTransferDataSheet The OnBeforeTransferDataSheet event occurs before saving changed values of data areas of a report sheet.
OnCellChange The OnCellChange event occurs after changing a cell value.
OnChangeControlValue The OnChangeControlValue event occurs on changing the value of a regular report control.
OnSubstituteReport The OnSubstituteReport event occurs on report substitution.

See also:

Report Assembly Classes