
Assembly: Report;


The UiPrxControlCancelEventArgs interface is used to work with arguments of events that occur before removing a control.


To create custom arguments of the event that occurs on changing control value, use the UiPrxControlEventArgs class.


  Constructor name Brief description
Create The Create constructor creates an argument of the event that occurs before removing a control.

Class properties inherited from IUiPrxControlCancelEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Cancel The Cancel property determines whether control is removed.

Properties inherited from IUiPrxControlEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Control The Control property returns control of the regular report that will be deleted, or which value has been changed.

Properties inherited from IUiReportBaseEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
UiRep The UiRep property returns an object containing the UiReport component that has generated the event.

See also:

Report Assembly Classes