
Assembly: Report;


The ReportRowResizeEventArgs class implements the event argument that occurs when an object is moved.


To implement an event argument that occurs each time an object is resized, use the ReportObjectResizingEventArgs class.


  Constructor name Brief description
Create The Create constructor creates an argument of the event that occurs when object is moved.

Constructors inherited from ReportEventArgs

  Constructor name Brief description
CreateArgs The Create constructor creates an argument of events of the ReportBox component.

Class object properties inherited from IReportObjectMovingEventArgs

  Имя свойства Краткое описание
Cancel Свойство Cancel определяет, отменять ли перемещение объекта.
Object Свойство Object возвращает изменяемый объект.
Rect Свойство Rect возвращает координаты прямоугольной области, занимаемой объектом.

Class object properties inherited from IReportEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
Report The Report property returns the ReportBox component that has generated the event.
Sheet The Sheet property returns the sheet of the regular report, on which the event has occurred.

See also:

Report Assembly Classes