AddByAttribute(Attribute: IRdsAttribute): IRdsBaseBinding;
Attribute. Dictionary attribute, for which a binding is created.
The AddByAttribute method creates a binding for a specified attribute.
Binding type is set according to the attribute type. Basic properties can be defined for the binding, it can be cast to the required type, and set specific properties. The following types of binding are available:
IRdsPredefinedBinding. Parameters of system attribute binding.
IRdsTranslationBinding. Binding parameters for the attribute that stores values in a specific language.
IRdsUserAttributeBinding. Parameters of custom attribute binding.
IRdsLinkedBinding. Parameters of linked attribute binding.
IRdsImportedBinding. Parameters of imported attribute binding.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a table with the T_Dictionary identifier and an MDM dictionary with the Dict_1 identifier. It is assumed that table fields and dictionary attributes have matching identifiers.
Sub UserProc;
MB: IMetabase;
TableSource: ITable;
RdsDictionary: IRdsDictionary;
RdsLoader: IMetaRdsLoader;
Attrs: IRdsAttributes;
Attr: IRdsAttribute;
Fields: ITableFields;
Field: ITableField;
Bindings: IRdsLoaderBindings;
Binding: IRdsBaseBinding;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Data source
TableSource := MB.ItemById("T_Dictionary").Bind As ITable;
// Updated dictionary
RdsDictionary := MB.ItemById("Dict_1").Bind As IRdsDictionary;
RdsLoader := New MetaRdsLoader.Create;
RdsLoader.Dictionary := RdsDictionary;
RdsLoader.TableSource := TableSource;
//Create bindings
Attrs := RdsDictionary.Attributes;
Fields := TableSource.Fields;
Bindings := RdsLoader.Bindings;
For Each Attr In Attrs Do
//In the table find a filed with the identifier,
//that matches dictionary attribute identifier
Field := Fields.FindById(Attr.Id);
If Field <> Null Then
Select Case Attr.PredefinedType
Case RdsPredefinedAttribute.Key:
Binding := Bindings.KeyBinding;
Binding.Attribute := Attr;
Binding.Field := Field.Id;
Case RdsPredefinedAttribute.Name:
Binding := Bindings.NameBinding;
Binding.Attribute := Attr;
Binding.Field := Field.Id;
Case RdsPredefinedAttribute.Order:
Binding := Bindings.OrderBinding;
Binding.Attribute := Attr;
Binding.Field := Field.Id;
Binding := Bindings.AddByAttribute(Attr);
Binding.Field := Field.Id;
End Select;
End If;
End For;
//Update records
End Sub UserProc;
Executing the example initializes the object that is used to create MDM dictionaries and load data to them. The object settings contain a MDM dictionary to be updated, and bindings for all attributes are created. After this dictionary data is updated.
See also: