

Filter: String;


The Filter property determines a filter used for imported data. In this property, it is necessary to specify a condition using identifiers of fields of a table from that data is loaded.


Executing the example requires the MDM repository NSI_1 that contains an MDM dictionary with the Dict_1 identifier. The database defined for the MDM repository, contains the TabImport table that includes fields with the names as basic dictionary attributes.

Sub Main;


MB: IMetabase;

MObj: IMetabaseObject;

Dict: IRdsDictionary;

Import: IRdsImportSchemas;

SchemaImport: IRdsImportSchema;

Attrs: IRdsAttributes;


MB := MetabaseClass.Active;

MObj := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("Dict_1", MB.ItemById("NSI_1").Key).Edit;

Dict := MObj As IRdsDictionary;

Attrs := Dict.Attributes;

Import := Dict.ImportSchemas;

SchemaImport := Import.Add;

SchemaImport.Id := "Import1";

SchemaImport.Name := Import scheme #1;

SchemaImport.Mappings(Attrs.Key).FieldName := "Key";

SchemaImport.Mappings(Attrs.Name).FieldName := "Name";

SchemaImport.Mappings(Attrs.Order).FieldName := "Ord";

SchemaImport.Mappings(Attrs.ParentKey).FieldName := "Parent_key";

SchemaImport.TableName := "TabImport";

SchemaImport.Filter := "Key<100";


End Sub Main;

After executing the example a new import scheme is created in the MDM dictionary. Attribute values of a dictionary are imported from same-name fields of the TabImport table. Data is filtered by the value of the Key field on import.

See also:
